Saturday, January 10, 2015

Starting the Ten Commandments Project

By Administration

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As of last week, Hosanna EFC has begun a twelve-week series on the Ten Commandments with the first two sermons dedicated to its introduction provided by Pastor Simon Tham and Khen Lim. Even as there is much to be learned from the introduction, the following ten Sundays will be even more eye-opening.
Many often dismiss the Ten Commandments as out of touch with the modern lifestyle but we would say the reverse, that the modern lifestyle has lost touch with God’s morality code for proper living standards. We have sought deeply to find meaning in our lives and a decision was made around Christmas of 2014 to start the New Year on the right footing. And hence our Ten Commandments Project was brought to life.
On January 4 2015, the first part of the introduction was the subject of the sermon in church and it was provided by Khen Lim. The next Sunday, January 11, would bring a conclusion to the introduction in a sermon by Pastor Simon Tham.
The following are the tentative dates for the rest of the Sunday sermons dedicated to the Ten Commandments:

Date: February 1 2015        
First Commandment      
“I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery” (Ex 20:2 NASB) 
Speaker: Pastor Simon Tham

Date: February 15 2015      
Second Commandment
“You shall have no other gods before Me” (Ex 20:3-7 NASB)    
Speaker: Khen Lim

Date: March 1 2015
Third Commandment              
“You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain” (Ex 20:7 NASB)
Speaker: Pastor Simon Tham

Date: March 8 2015            
Fourth Commandment           
“Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy” (Ex 20:8-11 NASB)
Speaker: Khen Lim

Date: March 29 2015          
Fifth Commandment
“Honour your father and your mother” (Ex 20:12 NASB)
Speaker: Pastor Simon Tham

Date: April 12 2015
Sixth Commandment               
“You shall not murder” (Ex 20:13 NASB)
Speaker: Khen Lim

Date: April 26 2015
Seventh Commandment
“You shall not commit adultery” (Ex 20:14 NASB)  
Speaker: Pastor Simon Tham

Date: May 3 2015      
Eighth Commandment
“You shall not steal” (Ex 20:15 NASB)
Khen Lim

Date: May 17 2015     
Ninth Commandment
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour” (Ex 20:16 NASB)         
Speaker: Pastor Simon Tham

Date: May 31 2015     
Tenth Commandment
“You shall not covet … anything that belongs to your neighbour” (Ex 20:17 NASB)
Khen Lim

If you’re wondering if we have made a mistake with the listing of the Ten Commandments, we haven’t. What we have done here is to base them on the Jewish Talmud where the sequence is slightly dissimilar. You can find a simple listing of the Jewish version here.
You can also find these sermon dates in the Upcoming Events section of our website.
Hope to see you during these sermons.

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