Monday, October 20, 2014

The Inspiration to Write

Where do these articles really come from?


Many often tell me that I can really write. I'm not sure how correct that statement is. As we continue to fill our blog with more and more useful and readable articles, it's easy to forget that while I have been a Christian since the early Eighties, my decision to write is relatively recent.

In the past few years, I have been absorbing a lot of reading material. Other than the Bible, there have been many inspiring materials to read just off the Internet. Seeing that books aren't cheap these days, it's okay because the web offers a prodigious amount of useful, edifying and motivating articles by great writers. It's just a matter of where you look and what sites you subscribe to and for what reason.

When I decided it was high time to serve God far more fully than just warming the pews, I searched and I read as much as time permitted in between work hours. And what we're seeing on our blog is just a tip of the content we have that we will carefully offer for others to read but it's also important - and not just as a caveat - but in the light of being honest, that the materials you read may even have reminded you of something you have read elsewhere. If you have this feeling, you're probably right because often times, we are inspired or we may be so driven by the article we've read that we decide to base our sermon and texts on it.

I do not hide behind any cloak of invincibility or self-aggrandisement. I'm not even a full-fledged preacher. I learn from experienced people and they in turn teach me. I draw much of my ideas to write on what I am able to enjoy on the Internet as much as from my own pastor. And there is nothing very wrong about this because in the process, there is much to learn and improve in our walk with Christ.

So when you next read an article from our blog and your spider-man senses give you that tingling feeling that you've read it before, chances are that you're right. Perhaps too, God is telling you something. Is He affirming a message for you?


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