Thursday, January 01, 2015

Happy New Year 2015!

By Administration

It’s come to that time when one year has run its course and a new one is about to take over. With Christmas now over and the time to stop and reflect is here, we look back at a year that would have meant different things to different people.
Malaysians have much room in their hearts to consider what might have been as we look back at two massively tragic flights many months ago and now added to that, is a third one that has not only stunned us but has made many of us to seek answers.
Three airborne tragedies in a space of a year; all coming from Malaysia, all begging reasons and all of which are not easy to get over. While we are struggling to handle closure for AirAsia Flight QZ8501, we still have the mysterious Malaysia Airlines MH370, which continues to leave a big hole in the hearts of millions here. And as for MH17, we will never know who brought the carrier down; only that 298 have perished very needlessly over the skies of Ukraine. 
And then there are the serious flooding in the east coast of the country’s peninsula that have wrecked the homes of countless. The rural landscape looks completely like a sea drenched in mud, now almost covering the rooftops. Just today, we hear there is looting as people who have been displaced by the floods have also become desperate for food to feed their families.
At this hour of great need reflected by those who have been victimised by the tragedies that have unfolded, we take time out to think of them, to do what we can for them and most importantly, to pray for them. 
Find a little quiet time to seek the Grace of God. Shed some tears in silence. Dig deep and let our hearts speak honesty. I promise you He will listen to every word you say, hear every plea you make, catch every tear that you shed. 
Let us approach the new year with renewed faith and an emboldened resolve to focus less on the negatives no matter how seemingly pervasive they are. Instead let us look up and find hope in abundance.
In Isaiah 43:18-19 (NASB), God says, “I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” There is always hope and a better tomorrow to come forth. As the writer of Lamentations says, we are not consumed because we have God’s great love and because His compassions never fail.
“They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (3:23 NASB).

We wish all our subscribers, visitors and readers a Happy New Year 2015. May you stay blessed, prayerful, safe and healthy. 

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