Friday, December 26, 2014

Heroes of Faith Part 10 - Joshua

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For someone who stood against the odds and was prepared to stake his belief in trust of God, there’s not likely to be a better example that Joshua. Inducted into the Hebrews Hall of Fame, here is a young soldier whom we knew so little of until he became part of the team that returned from spying the Promised Land.

Joshua went on to take over the mantle from Moses and led his people in finally claiming the Promised Land. Shortly thereafter, he upheld his leadership – and more importantly, trust in God – when he led his people in triumph in the strange battle of Jericho. It was Joshua’s undisputed faith that drove him to obey whatever odd instructions that God might have dished out.
And in so saying, he proved to be the kind of military leader that could reap stunning successes from merely listening to the Lord. In that alone, there was none finer than Joshua till today. His exemplary obedience, faith and reliance on God set an incredible yardstick. Even if his name isn’t part of this verse, his faith and heroic status resonates resoundingly in Hebrews 11:30, which says, “It was by faith that the people of Israel marched around Jericho for seven days and the walls came crashing down.”
The life of Joshua was unlike that of Moses. While Moses had an illustrious beginning as a Prince of Egypt, Joshua was a mere slave, treated cruelly under the hands of wicked Egyptian taskmasters. Yet he had the temerity to rise through ranks to become the leader of his people. Through unstinting faith and submissiveness to God, Joshua proved that anything was really possible.
Son of Nun, Hosea was given his new name, Joshua, by Moses. Joshua in Hebrew is Yeshua, which means, ‘the Lord is Salvation.’ Seen increasingly as a ‘type’ or picture of Jesus the Messiah Himself, the choice of name bears some importance. As to why Moses was inspired (by God) to change his name to Joshua, the theological reasons could possibly fill many pages but all the same, there is some significance.
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Joshua’s rise to prominence came when he was delegated as one of twelve spies sent by Moses to recce the land of Canaan. Along with Caleb, son of Jephunneh, they returned to camp as the only two to believe that with God’s help, Canaan could be conquered while the rest were completely spooked by what they saw. The result of this mayhem drove God to send His people wandering for a further forty years until that generation of unfaithful Israelites perished in the desert. Of the dozen spies, it was no surprise that God upheld the lives of only Joshua and Caleb.
But Moses died before the Israelites had the next chance to enter Canaan and claim the Promised Land, thus elevating Joshua to be his successor. This time the next round of spies were to be despatched to Jericho. The idea was the same – to understand the lay of the land before laying siege to it. Under Joshua’s leadership, two Israelites were sent undercover where they encountered a prostitute by the name of Rahab who helped to conceal them and later to aid in their escape. In exchange, Rahab and her family lived through Israel’s ruination of Jericho.
Now for the Israelites to enter the land, they had to make a crossing of the Jordan River. But since the river was swollen with massive flooding, it became all but impossible but in defiant faith, Joshua led the priests and the Levites in carrying the Ark of the Covenant into the Jordan only to witness the flowing water stop in its tracks. If the people thought they’ve seen it at the Red Sea with Moses, history repeated itself now with Joshua.
In all that God had guided Joshua in his life as the military leader of His people, the most enduring and most compelling story remained the Battle of Jericho for this was everything out of the ordinary. Against all odds set against a fantastically fortified walls of a fortress, Joshua and his army chose to follow every of God’s commands and for the next six days, they simply marched around the city.
On the seventh day, they lapped the walls seven times and all the time, they shouted aloud. And eventually the walls cracked and collapsed into piles of ruin. Their enemy would have been stunned and stupefied but the Israelites swarmed in and killed everyone alive save for Rahab and her family.

Because of Joshua’s exemplary obedience to God, he enjoyed another miracle at the Battle of Gibeon where the Lord caused the sun to remain still in the sky for the whole day so that his soldiers could rout their enemies. And with the land of Canaan now under Israelite rule, Joshua had essentially fulfilled what his predecessor didn’t and couldn’t. After overseeing the assignation of land to the twelve tribes, he quietly died at the age of 110 and was buried at Timnath Serah in the hillocks of Ephraim.

Through the years of wandering in the wilderness, Joshua served Moses faithfully, winning his confidence when he returned from scouting Canaan with a display of godly confidence with Caleb. God rewarded the two by surviving the next forty years of further wandering. As a leader, he overcame all odds in conquering the Promised Land, apportioning land according to the twelve tribes and then governing them. 
His single crowning achieving is his unwavering faith in and loyalty to God. Because of his new name, many Bible scholars are viewing him as foreshadow of Christ in the sense that what Moses, despite his laws, could not do, Joshua could, pointing to the finished work of Christ on the cross in defeating His enemy, Satan and thus freeing His people from the bondage of sin and paving the way to the ‘promised land’ of eternal salvation.
Personal Strengths
As Moses’ servant, Joshua learned to be attentive, acquiring much of his skills from a great and proven leader. He showed great courage even under the duress of enormous expectations and odds. Joshua was also a brilliant tactical militarist who prospered because he trusted God in every area of his life.
Personal Weaknesses
While he unwavering went before God prior to every battle, Joshua failed to do so when the people of Gibeon deceptively agreed to a peace treaty with Israel. This act was in conflict with God’s view that Israel were not to agree to any such treaties with anyone in Canaan. Had Joshua heeded God’s guidance, he wouldn’t have erred. 
Lessons in Life
Joshua’s signature characteristics were his obedience, faith and dependence on God. These were what made him into one of Israel’s strongest and boldest leaders. He exemplified much for us to emulate but like us, he was also weakened by other voices but in the end, he chose to heed God and he did so with great show of faith. 
He never forgot what Moses taught him before he died, taking much of this very seriously including following the ways of the Ten Commandments and ordering his people to live in accordance. Joshua might not be perfect but he proved that a life of obedience to God will always bear rewards no matter what our sins are. God’s Word is a rewarding code to live by for through it, we receive divine blessings.
Born in Egypt, likely in the area called Goshen located in the northeast of the Nile delta.
Family Tree
Nun (father) and leader of the tribe of Ephraim
Born a slave under Egyptian rule, then became a personal assistant to Moses before becoming a military commander and leader of Israel
Biblical References
Exodus 17, 24, 32, 33; Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges 1:1-2, 23; 1 Samuel 6:14-18; 1 Chronicles 7:27; Nehemiah 8:17; Acts 7:45; Hebrews 4:7-9
Key Verses
Joshua 1:7 > Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the laws My servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.”
Joshua 4:14 > That day the Lord exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they revered him all the days of his life, just as they had revered Moses.
Joshua 10:13-14 > The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to a man. Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel!

Next Up 
Heroes of Faith Part 11 - Rahab; January 2 2015

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