Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Are You Having Problems Subscribing?

By Administration

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It’s been a little over six months now that Lux Mundi has been active. Since then, we’ve clocked up some encouraging progress. Besides nearing the first century of articles posted, we’ve also had more than 750 page views covering readers from a wide assortment of countries around the world. We appreciate that many of you have found our articles on Chiune Sugihara to be interesting to read.

However there may be reason to believe that some of our readers may be experiencing subscription problems. Admittedly our site interface isn’t necessarily the slickest and perhaps not as intuitive as we have hoped it to be. Our church doesn’t exactly have an IT team to manage our website and we try our hardest to do the best we can.

At any rate, we’ll provide you with SEVEN simple steps to subscribe where every newly published article will be automatically sent to your email account so you can read it easily.

Here are the steps:

Step One
Go to the topmost section called “Subscribe to Lux Mundi.” This is the one right below the Multimedia Viewer. Click at the icon or the text that reads, “Subscribe in a Reader.”

Step Two
Next, click the option that reads, “Get Lux Mundi Delivered by Email.”

Step Three
You should now be at the stage called, “Email Subscription Request.” This is where you tell us your email address. In the box provided, please type your email address in full. Don’t make a typo mistake here because if you do, the subscription will be incorrectly targeted.

Step Four
While you’re still at the same stage, move downwards and identify the random security word provided. This word is in colour; so you can’t miss. In the box provided, please follow the word and type the characters as you see them, taking care to use uppercase or lowercase as you observe them.

After you have completed this, click the “Complete Subscription Request” button.

Step Five
If your registration is successful, you will now receive an onscreen message that says, “Your request has been accepted!”

Step Six
Give yourself up to one minute and then go check your email account Inbox. You should have received a verification message from Lux Mundi’s subscription engine called Feedburner. The email is entitled, Activate Your Email Subscription to: Lux Mundi.

In the email message, you will see a link for you to click in order to finalise your subscription. On the other hand, if you do not receive this verification email even after a reasonable period of time, we advise you to check your Bulk or Spam folder as it is possible that the email may have landed there.

Step Seven
Once you have clicked at the link, your browser will open a page under Feedburner to indicate successful subscription. The message will just say, “Email Subscription Confirmed!” complete with your email address listed.

If none of these work, write to where we’ll try and sort out the problem for you.

Thanks very much. God Bless.

The Administration

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