Friday, March 27, 2015

New Leadership at Hosanna Evangelical Free Church

By Administration

Last week, on Sunday March 22 2015, Hosanna EFC took a brave new step forward into the future, no longer restrained by an old guard but changed in so very many ways with fresh blood and very possibly, a renewed sense of purpose.

At our 33rd Annual General Meeting, our church ushered in brand new leadership faces. Out went three leaders who have given their very utmost for the best part of the last six years in a row.

As Mr Beh surprisingly announced that he was stepping down, even he was probably not prepared for a double stepping-down including Khen Lim as Honorary Secretary. In close tow behind, Marianne Loh was also stepping aside. All three in one AGM - never has this happened before. In its history, this would be a 'first,' but always with a purpose.

In reaching his mid-seventies, a decidedly weaker Mr Beh will find greater concern in caring for his health although as an advisor, the elections resulted in him being still part of the board, although his role will no longer be from the front. His guidance will still be valued, considering that he is now the only remaining founding member of the church.

Khen's role at Hosanna is hardly going to diminish. Given the full load he has in managing Lux Mundi's print and web media platforms, he has his hands tied for some time to come. In addition to these, his involvement in theological studies means he is now struggling to cope. Khen will continue to be very visible with also his involvement in music ministry plus his occasional guidance given to the new governing board.

After holding the treasury fort for the last three years, Marianne's impending role as a mother for the first time means there will be a necessary shift in her focus and priority. Nonetheless, we should still be seeing her involved in the music ministry and playing her role in other areas of voluntary governance.  

In their places is Lee Lim Tat, a long-time EFC stalwart who moved from Emmanuel EFC to Hosanna EFC following the family's migration from Kuala Lumpur back to Ipoh. Assistant Professor at the Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Lee has considerable experience, astuteness, integrity and spiritual strength to lead Hosanna EFC. After Mr Beh's decades worth of respectable leading, Mr Lee is expected to bring in a new and exciting way of moving forward.

Helming the secretarial role is Grace Lee, a tutor also at the Kampar-based UTAR campus, who at a young 29 years of age, will come in with a more energetic approach to keep things in order, organise with better structure and move the church in line with the new leadership.

Elita Goh returns to her treasury role after her three-year hiatus. Even as we are sure she will be looking for fresh blood to groom to take over in the near future, her experience in this position in the past stands her in good stead to eventually pass the baton in a very able manner.

Providing governing support are four newly-elected board members of which we see Mr Beh and Marianne in reduced but no-less important roles of providing guidance to stewardship. The other two are the ever-enthusiastic Ng Khoon Lay and Mrs Lim (Lee Swe Moi).

This new foundation signals an exciting era at Hosanna and it couldn't have happened with more relevance than the last week of Lent. We remember Jesus sent to die for our sins and just as importantly, He defeated death through His resurrection. Hosanna EFC, in a way, is witnessing a renewal of sorts and perhaps we can say, we could be 'born again' with a completely new team of people at her helm.

Let us not place too much demand or expectation on them. Let them familiarise themselves with their new roles in church and let us instead remember each of them in prayer and ask for God's love and wisdom in equipping them for the myriad tasks ahead, some not so enviable but some that are exciting, if not potentially adventurous.

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