Sunday, July 26, 2015

Anti-Semitism Fact Sheet

By Khen Lim

Anti-Semitism remains prevalent and in fact may be showing signs of an increase since the end of the Second World War. According to a survey conducted by Anti-Defamation League (ADL) just last year, the news is disturbing. Here’re just the brief ones to get started:

§  Some 19 million adults in Germany hold negative views towards Jews
§  Other countries with worrying levels of anti-Semitism in Europe include Austria (28%), Spain (29%), France (37%) and Greece (69%)
§  The highest level of anti-Semitism is found in the Palestinian territories of West Bank and Gaza at 93 percent
§  Overall the global average rates anti-Semitism at 26 percent or 1.1 billion adults around the entire world
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According to the same survey, around 25% of the world’s population actually believes that the negative statements about Jews are true (see below). The ADL’s national director, Abraham Foxman, was actually shocked.
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“You’d think – I’d think – that 70 years after the Holocaust, with all the marvels of communication, of greater openness…that it would be low.”
“So it’s maybe not shocking, but it’s sobering.”
However there is something else that is interesting about the survey.
Image source: Wall Street Journal
It appears that there is another ethnic group that registers higher on the hate chart than the Jews (above). At 24%, Muslims have a higher unfavourable rating but only just.
However when world populations are taken into account, that’s a whole lot more Muslims that the world is concerned about than the Jews. According to Wikipedia, world population figures place Muslims at over 1.6 billion or about 23.4% of the global number with a worrying expectation of a 73% increase to 2.8 billion by 2050.
In contrast, there are a measly 13-14 million Jews worldwide with over 6 million in Israel and 5.5 million in America. Quite laughably, Jewish growth rate for the whole world comes in at zero percent. 
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Here is a world chart the percentage of population judged to hold anti-Semitic views. Again this comes from the same ADL survey (ADL Global 100). From this chart, it becomes even clearer where the anti-Semitism sentiments are profoundly evident. Not surprisingly Malaysia is registered at the wrong end alongside the Middle-East, North Africa and parts of Europe.
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The Anti-Defamation League’s Global 100 Index identified someone to be anti-Semitic if they answered ‘probably’ or ‘definitely’ true to six or more of 11 stereotypes about Jews offered on the survey (see ‘Measuring A Prejudice’ chart previously).
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The abominable attitude towards Jews is not silently contained in one man’s heart or posted on an obscure man’s Facebook page, but is becoming widespread among the world’s nations.
Source: Elizabeth Prata (

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