Sunday, July 12, 2015

On This Day - July 11

Khen Lim

Image source:

On July 11 1924, Eric Liddells struck gold in the 400-metre race at the Olympic Games in a world record time of 47.6 seconds but Eric was far more than just a superior athlete for his time. 
You may remember him in the movie Chariots of Fire where he was famous for his principled stand – Sunday was for God. Rather than run in the qualifying heats, he preached in a Paris church instead. 
Two years later, he joined his missionary parents in China and committed his life to God. Eric died of a brain tumour and typhoid at a Japanese prison camp on Feb 21 1945 following a round-up of all foreigners. By then everyone in the camp already knew of Eric, his courage, love and undaunted smile even in the most trying times. 

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