Monday, January 18, 2016

Apologies for Missing Sunday Weekly Download

Dear readers
Many of you would have expected to be able to download yesterday’s Lux Mundi Sunday Weekly (LMSW) edition but found no link to one. In fact much of the website has not been updated for the past one week and to all of that, our sincere apologies.
I have been completely caught off-guard with unexpected challenges at home to deal with. Even so I thought I still had Saturday to work on it but even so, I couldn’t find the time or opportunity. In the past days, I had relatives come from Canada to visit. Then my newborn twins – now almost three months old – have been as temperamental as Mount Krakatoa! I’m told that because they are girls, their wailing is especially piercing and highly amplified. I’m actually convinced that babies have a volume knob with only two positions - Off and Full Blast. With two in tow, the cries are as close to ear-deafening as you can imagine. We just came back from the paediatrician who told us both of them have colicky issues that won’t go off until they’re at least four months old.
On the same day, I had to send my aged father to the hospital for an urgent blood transfusion that took up pretty much the whole day. And because there was a kink in the IV line (and nobody noticed it), that meant the first bag of blood took ages to finish before he could be switched to the second pint. By the time all of these chores were over and we got home, it was close to 10:00pm.
My deadline window was therefore shot and Issue 78/16 for January 17 2016 is now history. Therefore the next issue will be Issue 79/16 earmarked for this Sunday, January 24.

I sincerely apologise for that.
Khen Lim

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