Sunday, November 20, 2016

An American Landslide Lesson for All Christians (Part 1 of 3)

An American Landslide Lesson for All Christians 

Part 1 of 3

Khen Lim

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Every four years in the United States of America, the presidential elections take place. This year was no exception but this November 8 will long be remembered as one that is quite different from any of the others in the nation’s modern history and for good reason – for a change, liberalism is about to spin on its head.

There has been so much coverage on the 2016 U.S. Elections that it would be redundant to repeat them here ad verbatim. However if there is anything worth commenting again, it is that Hillary Clinton lost the elections not because of FBI Director James Comey and his on-again off-again email inquiries. In fact, under the protection of Loretta Lynch’s Department of Justice, the Democrat nominee was never going to be indicted under a Democrat White House watch.
It is also not because Obama did not campaign any earlier or with any more intensity. Nor was it because he didn’t break the law to help her. After all, in an interview, he made it plainly clear in his encouragement that illegal immigrants should get their vote out for her. In fact, many report that Obama’s efforts had no precedent for any past sitting U.S. President on behalf of any nominee.
Careful reading of proper analysis work reveals that Clinton’s failure was her own undoing. No one twisted her arm to set up her own homebrew email server. No one but the Clinton family was so embroiled in greed and corruption that tarnished their own Clinton Foundation with pay-to-play imbroglios with the nation’s arch enemies. It is still unimaginable for any leading U.S. politician, much less a Secretary of State, to conspire to sell the country’s own uranium to Russia.

Media dominance
And with the enormous media machinery to add to her own campaign largesse, it has always appeared impossible for the Republican Party to take back the White House. The mainstream media (MSM) has been pandering to liberal causes for decades and for all their unrepentance, it doesn’t look like waning anytime soon. Check out this chart by the Business Insider (Oct 21 2014):

Modified but originally based on Business Insider (Oct 21 2014)
Click here for the original illustration

The media organisations to the left of ‘N’ address audiences that are decidedly liberal. Look at the heavy representation here, many of the names of which you are likely to be very familiar with. However, consider a fully extent of the big MSM names behind the burgeoning liberal agenda in America (in alphabetical order):

1.     ABC News
2.    Al Jazeera America
3.    Atlantic, The
4.    BBC News (UK)
5.    Bloomberg News
6.    BuzzFeed
7.     CBS News
8.    CNN News
9.    Colbert Report, The
10.    Daily Beast
11.    Daily Kos
12.    Daily Show, The
13.    Democratic Underground, The
14.    Economist, The
15.   Google News
16.  Guardian, The (UK)
17.Huffington Post
18. Indy Media
19. Media Matters
21.  NBC News
22. New Republic, The
23. New York Times, The
24.New Yorker, The
26.NPR (National Public Radio)
27. OpEdNews
28.PBS (Public Broadcasting Service)
31. Slate
33.U.S. News & World Report
34.USA Today
35.Village Voice, The
36.Washington Post
You don’t need to be a seasoned journalism expert to sift through this list and find some of the biggest and most influential news media organisations not just in America but in the world. There are some big-hitting names in business funded by very powerful people in media that have been flinging unsubstantiated accusations running up to Election Day on Trump including The New York Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Huffington Post including CBS News, NBC News, ABC and MSNBC. 

When it comes to news aggregations, Google deliberately filters news contents that promote Clinton and the Democrats so much so that it’s difficult to get an unbiased view of information on the Republican Party or Trump in particular.
Note: For those interested in recommended conservative news outlets, go to the end of Part Three of this article for a reasonably comprehensive but not exhaustive list
The power of mass media cannot be underestimated and the amount of time it has been undermining American readership and viewing audience can only add on to the problem of balanced news. Conservatives were hardly getting coverage whether it is their concerns or politics or persecution or anything for that matter. 

In fact, former Facebook employees admit that they occasionally suppressed conservative news streams from their trending news section so that eventually users of the social media network were only getting to read about Clinton and the Democrats. Where conservative news came into view, they were usually derogatory, discriminating or incriminating.

Hollywood influence
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Lady Gaga campaigns for Hillary Clinton on Election Night wearing Nazi-inspired uniform (Image source:

But it wasn’t just the power of the mass media that she could depend on. There was also the entertainment industry of which Hollywood celebrity power proved dominant for decades not just for the Clintons but most assuredly, the Obamas as well. Together, the MSM and Hollywood offer a complete stranglehold over the consciousness of most Americans who immerse themselves in the multimedia experience.
Hollywood’s struggle distinguishing fact from fantasy and their larger-than-life portrayals of self-importance have long since entranced Americans into believing anything they see onscreen. And because celebrities offer widespread magnetic appeal, they come across as having opinions that naïve moviegoers blindly believe and embrace be it their loose morals, atheism or vulgar disdain for conservatism.
In fact, the liberals had their bases so well covered that it wasn’t just the MSM supplying the distorted news and Hollywood endorsing up. They concocted the whole fact-checking mechanism so that they would end up silencing any conservative politicians’ claims or counter-claims. 

To do this, they promoted their own resource centres that supposedly run ‘checks’ and report on whether they were factual or truthful. In truth, these were nothing but organisations that has deep liberal leanings and they include Correct the Record, FactCheck, Fact Checker (Washington Post), Media Matters, PolitiFact and, yes, even Snopes:
1.     Correct the Record
Pro-liberal Super PAC by David Brock
2.    FactCheck
Run by pro-liberal Annenberg Foundation of the University of Pennsylvania
3.    Fact Checker
Run by pro-liberal Washington Post
4.    Media Matters
Politically progressive (pro-liberal) media watchdog by David Brock
5.    PolitiFact
Run by Tampa Bay Times with strong pro-liberal bias
6.    Snopes
Run by Barbara & David P Mikkelson with strong pro-liberal bias
The conspiracy against the conservative American has been so great that the fallout has been all but complete. All it took was for Clinton to win the presidency on November 8 and the transformation begun by Obama would have been devastatingly complete. Had that occurred, the liberalisation across all pillars of American society would have routed all manners of societal decency and if that happened to America, the spill-over effect to the rest of the world would have begun by now.
While Hillary and the campaign including her millions of minions blame everyone else but the nominee herself, most of the MSM (though not all) continue to ignore the two groups of voters that handed her the pink slip. These two groups have been ignored, chastised, rebuked, thrashed, mocked and humiliated in many ways by the left-wing government over the many years.

The Rustbelt force
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Trump campaigns for Ohio's Rustbelt voters (Image source: The Columbia Dispatch)

The first group belong essentially to the Rustbelt region of America where the bulk of them are blue-collared whites living in a region that was once upon a time, the nation’s manufacturing heartland. Today, it lays in waste with shuttered factories and disused plants. Many are out of work. Most of them lack college education. Equally as many have been deceived by promises broken by a government that they voted in eight long years ago.
In the 2016 Elections, they came out to vote in a way totally unexpected by the Clinton team that largely ignored them on their campaign trails. These voters delivered the hammer effect, enabling Trump to annihilate the Democrat nominee by a margin even larger than Reagan did in 1984. Trump didn’t just beat her because of blue-collar white men but surprisingly, even the non-college-educated white women of that region delivered 30 percent of the votes that Clinton coveted but failed to garner.
If the Rustbelt voters were a surprising force against Clinton, the second group was even more devastating. Broadly referred to as the Protestant vote collectively worth as much as 46.5 percent, the Evangelicals alone can potentially account for as much as 25.4 percent of the total votes. Clinton offered token emphasis by turning up at a church service just to remind the people that she was a card-carrying Methodist.

The evangelical power
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Despite his flaws and mainstream media condemnations, Evangelical voters flock to Trump (Image source: The Boston Globe)

She probably thought that would do the trick but Protestants – especially born-again Christians or Evangelicals – were expecting far more than that but they also knew she couldn’t deliver. Her track record was already beyond burdensome: egotistical, anarchistic, brazenly dishonest, totally immoral, insatiably power-hungry, irresponsible, godlessness and seditious – and yet no law in America seems to be able to catch up with her especially when so many of these cases can be proven beyond any shadow of doubt.
Even so, none of them could hold a wick to the three things she stood for that strike at the heart of the Christian faith. All of these three were not just unacceptable but every conscientious Christian knew that if she were to be given the keys to the world’s most powerful office, the harm done to the Church would be unassailable, irreparable and irreversible. The three are:
-         Her passion for abortion including her proposal to include the final trimester as well as her strong camaraderie with the much-hated Planned Parenthood and the commensurate illicit federal funding
-         Her affinities with the LBGTQ agenda including same-sex marriage, open-sex bathrooms, homosexual intrusion into the military, gay rights
-         Her challenge to change the way Christians enshrine their deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases

The people have spoken
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Trump's critical Pennsylvania win (Image source:

It is said that once Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes began to look like Trump’s, the deck of cards began to look flimsy enough to eventually collapse into a heap. And collapse, it surely did. Once Pennsylvania fell, the electoral score stood at 260 for Trump and 215 for Clinton with Michigan (16), Wisconsin (10) and New Hampshire (4) coming up next. By around 2:00am (Malaysian time), Michigan fell next and the race was over. At 276 votes, Trump had surpassed the required 270 and became the 45th President of the United States of America.
In the end, the final results tallied as of November 14 2016 look like this:
Donald J Trump, Republican Party       290 electoral votes
Hillary R Clinton, Democratic Party      232 electoral votes
From the Christian perspective, the results reflect something the Democrats had not anticipated. It wasn’t just the ‘forgotten Americans’ who voted to be counted but it looked like 81 percent of all white evangelicals – that’s four in every five – in the country who turned out for Trump as opposed to 16 percent for Clinton. In a breakdown of the power of the Christian vote, here’s what’s worth noting:
Denomination                                    Trump                Clinton
White born-again/Evangelicals        81%                       16%
Mainstream Protestants                     58%                       39%
Roman Catholics                                  52%                       45%
Mormons (LDS)                                   61%                        25%
Jewish                                                    24%                        71%
No doubt, with the exception of the Jewish voters, these are all massive numbers and they came on the backs of eight suffering years (or more) of left-leaning policies that crush not just the working men of middle America but also the Christians. America was spiralling recklessly out of control with spiritual emptiness, social wantonness, political corruption, self-harming trade and indifferent economics, dangerous immigration leading to deadly terrorism and there is the loss of self-respect in the international world. America was more preoccupied with shaming herself than safeguarding her own territorial borders and along the way, Christians were paying a hefty price through persecution in a great number of ways.

The insufferable bondage
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The lame-duck President Barack Obama (Image source: Townhall)

In the eight Obama years, Christians bore the brunt of government-sanctioned persecution in many different forms. The notorious Affordable Care Act – more infamously known as the dreaded Obamacare – forced Christian organisations to embrace birth control against their own faith and consciousness. 

Christians in the workplace are silenced for whatever spiritual viewpoints they may have. They cannot be seen to act spiritually and neither could they display icons of their faith. Christians in schools and universities suffer in similar ways but they also bear witness to how their teachers and lecturers trod on their faith, demean their belief and threaten them to submit to atheism.
In the commercial world, Christian-owned small businesses are made to pay severely for their resistance to matters that contravene their faith, often with crippling fines or worse, folding up. There are no shortage of organisations ready to take up lawsuits against them that are bent on destroying Christians under the pretence of civil and personal rights. The leading ones include American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), LGBT Human Rights Campaign and Southern Poverty Law Centre (SPLC) and numerous others.
The American Family Association (AFA) has an interactive map that helps identify more than 200 anti-Christian groups and organisations including the above across the country that are openly bigoted towards the Christian faith. You can go to the page by clicking here and typing
Even churches are not left untouched. In recent years, pastors have been issued subpoenas to surrender their sermon notes and other pastoral communications in order to determine if messages with ‘political activity’ have been preached from the pulpit, which may be inclusive of any topics that are frowned on. These may include homosexuality, corruption, sexual debauchery, adultery and anything that law enforcement may find reason to prosecute. In particular, the mayoral office of the city of Houston has been particularly vigilant but perhaps this may have something to do with the mayor, Annise Parker, being an avowed lesbian?

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Losing Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton (Image source: Metro)

None of this is to say that Clinton’s key problems are unimportant to Christians because like any law-abiding citizen, they too find her long laundry list of misdemeanours unsettling, repugnant and deeply offensive. Here are the leading ones:
-         Clinton Foundation – using the organisation to make corrupt self-enriching deals while selling off the country even to rogue states
-         Emailgate – setting up her own person email server at home to sidestep government security and communicate unfettered sensitive information with unauthorised personnel
-         WikiLeaks – the release of email messages that prove Clinton’s culpability in unauthorised communication that jeopardises national security at the very highest treasonous level
-         Benghazi murders – her involvement in the destruction of the U.S. Embassy facility and murder of four Americans including Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi, Libya on September 11 2012
-         Obstruction of justice – her shielding of husband Bill Clinton’s sexual escapades amounting to rape during his years as Governor of Arkansas and as POTUS by obstructing the passage of law, by smearing the victims’ reputations and destroying their lives
-         Earlier unresolved scandals – her involvement in scandals during Bill Clinton’s presidency years and earlier including Whitewater, Travelgate and more, not forgetting the as-yet-unresolved death of her law partner, Vince Foster
-         Demonisation of IRS – her empowering of the IRS to seek vengeance against any and all individuals and organisations that pose as political enemies to her
-         Stealing at the White House – her vandalising and looting of furniture, gifts and chattels belonging to the White House for her own personal home to the tune of over $200,000 including the wilful damage to computer keyboards where the ‘W’ keys are destroyed or damaged (because George W Bush was taking over as president) as well as intentional destruction to desks, restrooms, even doorknobs, medallions and other items of furniture
-         Filegate – her undoubted part in illegally obtaining FBI files on individuals who served in previous Republican administrations in order to discredit the women at the centre of her husband’s sexual misconduct
-         Huma Abedin – her appointment of Huma Abedin as her deputy chief of staff despite her known ties to the Muslim Brotherhood notorious for their pledge to destroy Western civilisation from within
-         Vince Foster – strong suspicions that tie her to the death of the deputy White House counsel and one-time law partner with deep connections to the troubling Travelgate and Whitewater scandals
-         Chinagate – her involvement in the selling of high-tech secrets to China in exchange for multi-million dollar donations to various Democratic Party entities as well as her husband’s 1995 re-election campaign
-         Travelgate – her role in the firing of the original White House travel office staff so that her own cronies including Bill’s 25-year-old cousin could fill in
-         Whitewater – her ability to escape jail with Bill while her friends didn’t in a scandal of impropriety concerning improper campaign contributions, political and financial favours as well as tax benefits
-         The Bosnian lie – her claim that she, as First Lady, landed in Bosnia in 1996 under sniper fire which proved to be completely falsified despite her repeated claims that it was true
There are literally so many others that a simple check on the Internet will uncover all of them. If you prefer expediency, go here for a far fuller and more detailed list. Even if we were to look past any of these indiscretions and scandals, Christians have come to understand the sheer alternative reality of a second Clinton administration that would certainly reshape and redefine the Supreme Court in order to completely override the U.S. Constitution and lock out all remaining conservative hopes of justice. 

This means appointing justices that would give a free pass to abortion, gun confiscation, LBGT and feminist rights, Christian persecution, illegal immigration and the rejection of voter ID laws including the demonising of the police force in advancing minority rights (such as the Black Lives Matter movement).

Disturbing Christian disunity
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Anti-Trump evangelical representation (Image source: Newsday)

Even as a strong Evangelical turnout delivered victory to Trump, the Protestant vote in America remains a divided one. While the repulsion of Clinton was a sweet triumph for many Protestants and Evangelicals, there remains many who continue to judge Trump on what the media has portrayed him as. Whether or not these portrayals are merited proved immaterial because no one appears to really want to check for themselves. And in the end, Christians might want to see this divisive post-Election behaviour as nothing more than judging a fellow Christian (incidentally, Trump is a Presbyterian).
Many construe Trump not only as a vulgar and uncouth person but a bigot, womaniser, sexual predator and whatever else, one can come up with. The interesting thing about all this is that these claims suddenly emerged only after a 2005 recording that, according to left-leaning Washington Post, caught Trump bragging in vulgar terms about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women.
On that recording alone, the liberal media went on an outrage and all of a sudden, women ‘came forward’ claiming that he had sexually assaulted them. Eventually none of them proved to be true but the purpose was to inflict maximum damage in a minimum of time because time was running out for Clinton and this was a clear opportunity for her to take a strong lead in the polls running up to Election Day.
These unproven claims provided the necessary munitions for anyone to castigate Trump including the Christian fraternity and they remain a prickly issue for some who simply cannot look past them and plainly cannot accept that they had been taken for a ride by the liberal mainstream media. 

If anything can be learned from this, it is that very few are ever aware of how insidious, cunning, manipulative and untruthful the media can be. Even fewer understand the need to do their own fact-checking. Even rarer can we find those who look to the Bible for a clearer understanding of the key issues at hand and it looks like Christian leaders themselves could do with a bit of re-education in this respect.

Part Two of this article will be available on November 22 2016.

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