Friday, October 24, 2014

Heroes of Faith Part 1 - Abel

Image source: Getty Images
Abel was the younger of the two sons born to Adam and Eve. As the parents were created from nothing by God, Abel and his brother Cain were the only two to be borne within the Garden of Eden. But then Abel was also the first to be martyred in the Bible; also the first shepherd.

While we know very little of him. Abel found favour in God’s eyes when he offered a pleasing sacrifice to the Lord. It was this sacrifice that also cost Abel his life. His elder brother Cain murdered him as a result. Abel paid the price for his obedience to God but more to the point, why was his offering preferred and why was Cain’s rejected? It is this that has often by a point of confusion but Genesis 4:6-7 provides the key.
Upon seeing Cain’s anger at being rejected, God said, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you but you must master it.”
Cain’s anger is unjustified. Apparently both brothers knew what God’s idea of a “right” offering is, meaning that the Lord would have had provided His explanation. So it is clear therefore that Cain knew on his own that his offering was unacceptable to God. Perhaps what is even more critical was that Cain had made his offering with a poor attitude of heart. Nonetheless Cain had opportunities to right what was wrong and God had clearly cautioned him about an encroaching anger left unmastered would be deadly.

And so the world’s first recorded murder was committed – Cain failed to master his anger. He underestimated the destructive nature of his sin. His fury and jealousy led him down the darkest path and he killed his very own flesh and blood. Abel then became the first to be martyred for his obedience to God.

His was the name that appears first in the Hebrews’ Hall of Faith; declared “righteous man…by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead”
First to be martyred; first shepherd in the Bible
Lessons in Life
Honoured as a righteous man, Abel paid a high price for being obedient to God. By setting an example, his death is not in vain as his life still speaks to us today, reminding us to count the cost of obedience. No matter the price of sacrifice, will we also obey and follow God? Do we trust Him even if it costs our lives?
Personal Strengths
Despite being martyred, his life still speaks today of his strengths; he was a man of faith, righteousness and obedience
Personal Weaknesses
While there are no clear records of this in the Bible, we know he was physically overpowered by Cain; it is possible that he might have been a touch too naïve or trusting even if Cain was his elder brother
Family Tree
Adam (father), Eve (mother), Cain (elder brother), Seth (younger brother born after his death)
Born, raised and tended his flocks just beyond the Garden of Eden in the Middle-East, probably near Iran or Iraq
Shepherd, tended flocks
Bible References
Genesis 4:1-8
Hebrews 11:4, 12:24
Matthew 23:35, Luke 11:51
Key Versions
Hebrews 11:4 > It was by faith that Abel brought a more acceptable offering to God than Cain did. Abel’s offering gave evidence that he was a righteous man and God showed His approval of his gifts. Although Abel is long dead, he still speaks to us by his example of faith.

Next Up 
Heroes of Faith Part 2 - Enoch; October 31 2014

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