Saturday, October 25, 2014

Veil of Tears - Hope Is On The Way

You can have a part in reaching millions of desperate women with the love of Christ

This gripping new documentary film tells the untold story of millions of women in South Asia who are abused and trampled simply because they are women.

Despite the centuries of oppression, hope is dawning as people begin reaching out to restore dignity towards women, one day at a time.

Hosanna EFC is taking a heartfelt journey through the eyes of these women, who unveil their personal stories of rejection, abandonment, tragedy and even triumph. Get a glimpse of the hope that has changed the lives of millions and has potential to change millions more.

This film was shot on-location across the stunning nation of India in some of the most remote tribal villages in the world today. This is a journey where few outsiders have gone before.

Hosanna EFC has secured the rights from Texas-based Gospel for Asia (GFA) to screen this documentary. Although it was not possible to access the movie for Malaysian consumption, we were able to work around that and finally are in possession of their full 'movie night kit,' comprising several posters (which you will soon see posted up in church), conversation cards (that offer general info about the film), bulletin inserts that provide a brief description of the movie.

As GFA mentioned in their correspondence with us:

"This film has impacted hundreds of churches already and people are asking how they can make a difference. With this in mind, after your church or small group watches the film, you can keep the conversation going with our discussion questions."

There are other ways we can seek assistance when we visit

We have yet to establish screening times for Veil of Tears at Hosanna but once fuller details are available, we will post the information here and also on our Lux Mundi Sunday Weekly.

GFA is located at 1800 Golden Trail Court, Carrollton, TX 75010, United States. For more information about what they do, write email to

While we look forward to seeing you at the movies with us, for now, here's the official trailer for Veil of Tears...

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