Friday, October 17, 2014

Introduction to the Hebrews 11 Heroes of Faith

Inspiring Faith Amongst Us All

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The Old Testament’s Book of Hebrew has long been known by Bible readers and scholars as the best and indisputable collection of faith heroes.
Those with fanciful imagination call it the Bible’s Hall of Fame (or better still, Hall of Faith) where the best known patriarchs are recorded for their faithfulness to God no matter the circumstances. They may be ravaged by sin the way all mortals are but with their names enshrined in the Book of Hebrews, they go down in history as the ones that best exemplify enduring lessons in faith.

As our Sunday Weekly of Lux Mundi has already begun documenting the Heroes of Faith, we are following that up with a slightly more detailed interpretation in this blogsite. While they’re essentially comparable but where we might have space limitations with the print version, we certainly have much less of that issue here. Therefore there’s likely to be some differences.
In this impressive list, we will learn more about these individual leaders whose preoccupation is to serve God and be faithful to Him.

§   Abel   §   Enoch   §   Noah   §   Abraham   §   Sarah   §   Isaac   §   Jacob   §   Joseph   §   Moses   §   Joshua   §   Rahab   §   Gideon   §   Barak (Barach)   §   Samson   §   Jephthah   §   David   §   Samuel   §   Others

As of today, we’ll be bringing you one hero of faith at a time, beginning with Abel. As per above, the sequence will be in line with how the Bible orders it.

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