Friday, October 17, 2014

The Challenge of Massive Abortion Problem in China

© Bruno Domingos / Reuters

Issue: "China's abortion regime," July 26, 2014
CHINA — The smell of steamed rice and stir-fried beef waft into the simple warehouse converted into a church in northern China. Fans mounted on the walls breathe air into the warm room, as gracious hosts hand visitors cups of boiling water, the drink of choice no matter the weather. 
As two pastors — one American, one Chinese — finished teaching on the sanctity of life, women and men of all ages stood up, sobbing and praying for repentance: 
"Lord, forgive me for aborting my child; I didn’t know it was murder. Lord, forgive me for shedding innocent blood."
For most in the room, this was the first time they had seen photos of foetal development, learned about what abortion entails, and studied what the Bible says about the sanctity of life. A middle-aged Chinese woman with cropped hair approached me with a nervous smile afterwards. 
“Where do the [aborted babies] go?” she asked, eyes watering. 
“I’ve had it done before and was wondering if I’d ever see them again.” 
I mumble in broken Chinese that the babies go to heaven, telling her the story of King David’s child. 
“Oh, that’s so good to hear,” she said.
To read more, click here.

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