Friday, October 17, 2014

Reading Third-Party Sourced Articles

From time to time when we come across articles that are of Christian interest, we will have them published here either in its fullness or in part. In both cases we will provide links so that the reader can access the original article at the original website.

When we publish such articles, it does not necessarily mean that we are in full agreement of their authors. It does not also mean that we are in full support of their editorial stand or opinion. The reason for the publication is of interest and may encourage positive commentaries or feedback.

And while we're on the issue of readers' feedback, let it be known that they are individually moderated. We are a Christian blogsite and we are especially mindful of constructive responses as well as responsible writing. We do not tolerate profanities or any expression of vulgarity. Our standard here is to promote maturity, proper writing and also comments that do not offend. Therefore when a comment somehow does not appear even if it had been supposedly published, it is likely because it has not passed the standards that our moderators are placed under to moderate them.


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