Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Introducing The Restoration of Israel

Perspectives from the Poetic and Prophetical Books of the Old Testament in Three Parts

By Khen Lim

After 2,000 years, Israel continues to be taunted by its enemies. Notwithstanding the golden era of David and Solomon’s rule, the Jewish State had been plagued by upheavals, evictions, sackings and destructions and it isn’t until the last century or so that the Jewish Diaspora have been returning to the Chosen Land promised them by God.
Many say that this alone constitutes a sure sign that the restoration of Israel, so prophetically described in the Old Testament, is now in full swing. Others say it isn’t because this Israel isn’t the Israel that God spoke about. There have been so many debates about this issue that it is hard for any Christian to truly understand. And inevitably, each of us will have taken a stand in either believing or not believing, accepting or not accepting.
The importance of Israel’s restoration cannot be underestimated. For Christians, the fulfilment of the prophecies is God’s promise of deliverance. It will shape our faith that God is true to His Word and in every sense of it, Christian justice will prevail for the world and we Christians will all be safely delivered.
All of these make this topic so controversial. Apart from being the world’s most hated nation, Christians have also become not just easy targets but also the number enemy worldwide. In the restoration of Israel, our persecution ends and we get to enjoy all that Christ has promised us. For the enemies of Christians and Jews, this is the last thing they want to hear. No matter what, we take comfort in knowing that God never lies. If it is in the Bible, it is true.
‘The Restoration of Israel’ is a three-part treatise that focuses on the very subject itself. In it, I have taken a stand for Israel; that God has begun fulfilling the prophecies as literally told in Scripture. Coming this Sunday, November 15 2015 and for the next three Sundays, the three parts will be published.
If you are looking for the prequel that deals with the Tribulation period, check out the article called ‘The Three Wars to End All Wars’ published recently on October 4 2015. To go straight to the article, you can follow this link:
Another article called, ‘The Political Crucible of the New Testament,’ delves into the Second Temple Period, which is also part of the restoration process of Israel. You can go here:

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