By Administration
Dear readers
It has been a very difficult time for my family and I since
the passing of our beloved mother. In a short space of time since the first of
the two retired issues, our family had to deal with polarising emotions. While
my mother passed away on October 22, my wife was actually due to deliver our
twin daughters the following day but due to now unforeseen circumstances, we
pushed that date to a week later, on October 29.
As you find the resumption of our Lux Mundi Sunday Weekly for
this week, our family welcomes the arrival of Heather and Bridget, our twin
girls, weighing in at 2.7 kg and looking very beautiful, cute and completely lovable.
Set against such unimaginable joy is the shadow of our mother’s passing and
because both events are separately only by a week, there is much difficulty in
reconciling one with the other.
As they say, time will heal and I’m sure it will. In the
meantime however, forgive me for letting a fortnight lapse while I struggled to
gather my thoughts back into motion. Our grieving has not ended and so we still
await healing to come.
For the many around the world who have sent us condolences,
thoughts and prayers for my mother’s passing, our family thank you. We also
thank the nursing and medical staff including the valet boys at Pantai Hospital
(Ipoh, Malaysia) for the love and care they had shown to our mother in her time
struggling to deal with her cancer.
We also take this opportunity to express thanks and gratitude for
those who sent their celebratory messages with the arrival of Heather and
Khen Lim
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