Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas To Our Readers Worldwide


When we began in August 2014, we neither knew nor expect what would really happen to our church website. We did it only because it was something that should have been up a long time ago. We talked about it often enough but nothing showed up for many years. And so when we took the bull by its horns late last year, it was merely an experiment.
It’s now Christmas 2016; sixteen months later and we’re delighted with what has taken place. Our readership numbers are impressive beyond what we dared imagine. We spent literally nothing on starting it up or maintaining it but praise the Lord, it’s been a wonderful journey so far!
Thanks to all of you, our articles are read far and wide, across forty-nine different countries around the world. We’d imagine that our readership outside of Malaysia is actually even wider than our own local readers. With over 150 articles and more to come, we hope that more will come to know of us and pay us a visit.
Again, our gratitude and appreciation for a wonderful maiden year to all of you. We humbly pray that we can quietly move on from strength to strength with all glory due the Lord Almighty. For this Christmas and New Year, we pray also that all of our readers stay safe and enjoy the company of your dear friends and family members while we remember that amidst the joy of gifts, the greatest of them all was the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you again.

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