Friday, December 25, 2015

From Sorrow to Joy

For every step we take to praise Him, God is there with us all the way

Lim-Tat Lee
Chairman, Hosanna EFC, Malaysia

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It has been a very interesting 2015 for all of us. Depending on which side of the fence you sit, the events of the year can either be astonishing or worrisome. 

While the secular world rejoices in recognising the rights of same-sex marriage and the LBGT community, God-fearing conservatives are shuddering to think what divine judgement might come. Perhaps judgement has already come knocking at our doors as we speak. Closer to home, the game of dirty politics has reached new and unprecedented heights of corruption and with all of that, our world has been turned upside down.

At Hosanna EFC, our worries are somewhat different. We began the year afflicted with seeming hopelessness though we all hung on to our faith. Though our concerns are largely financial, we also have physical and spiritual challenges, all of which have added to our burdens. 
Things took a turn for the worse in the latter part of 2015 when one of our beloved sisters in Christ returned to the Lord but in a joyous sign of hope, our merciful Father ‘replenished’ His flock with the deliverance of two little girls, all within a space of a week!
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In an uncanny sense, Hosanna EFC ends the year in a note of optimism, ready for a future in which we have much to be involved. Our state of affairs might be a little unnerving, but armed with the Holy Spirit and the enduring commitment of our church leadership, we could begin the new year embraced in hope and emblazoned by the glory of God.
Nothing is more exciting than to know that for every step we take to praise God, the Lord is there with us all the way. I pray Christmas this year will be a time of glad tidings and happiness for you and your family.

May 2016 bring you even more joy.

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