Saturday, March 05, 2016

Elijah - A Lesson About Overcoming Human Frailties

Editorial Commentary

Khen Lim

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The thing about Elijah isn’t that he was unique and special in any otherworldly way. By all accounts, he was colourful and interesting but what I think is even more interesting is that Elijah is like all of us, at least when it comes to human vulnerabilities.
When we read of his incredible stories, we should not ignore that, like us, his life was also filled with turmoil in which his days could go up and down like a yoyo. One day, he was bold and fearless and the remarkable decisions he made reflected the strength and depth of his faith in God. On another day, he was tentative and fearful and he plumbed the depths of depression and went into hiding. Elijah’s life teaches us the principles that demonstrate the victory in the life of a believer as well as defeat and recovery.
Just as it is for the prophet, when we decide to concentrate on the noise and the tumult of life in this world, we inherently take our eyes off the Lord. If we just stop putting too much impetus on our fears and move away from the deafening threats of a slowly-collapsing world around us, we will hear God’s voice and enjoy His reassurance, and then walk in obedience to His Word. Then we can be victorious and be rewarded for it.
Elijah’s story is, above all, a beautiful lesson about our human frailties and how we can triumph by overcoming them.
Have a great week.

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