An American Landslide Lesson for All Christians
Part 2 of 3
Khen Lim
President-elect Donald J Trump (Image source: Sputnik International)
God hath spoken… and acted
In August 2015, World News Daily ( published an
article entitled, ‘Firestorm Erupts over Trump’s Bible Connection.’ Written by
a young Pastor Jeremiah Johnson, who, at that time, knew next to nothing about
Trump, the article was his witness to God’s calling. It was a prophetic message
about a person he had never met whom God has anointed to be His trumpet to the
people. Here is what he said:
“I was in a time of prayer several
weeks ago when God began to speak to me concerning the destiny of Donald Trump
in America. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, ‘Trump shall become My
trumpet to the American people, for he possesses qualities that are even hard
to find in My people these days. Trump does not fear man nor will he allow
deception and lies to go unnoticed. I am going to use him to expose darkness
and perversion in America like never before, but you must understand that he is
like a bull in a china closet. Many will want to throw him away because he will
disturb their sense of peace and tranquillity, but you must listen through the
bantering to discover the truth that I will speak through him. I will use the
wealth that I have given him to expose and launch investigations searching for
the truth.”
This alone would have been very hard to take for many
Christians let alone atheists but then, Pastor Johnson mentioned the ancient
King Cyrus:
as I raised up Cyrus to fulfil My purposes and plans, so have I raised up Trump
to fulfil my purposes and plans prior to the 2016 election. You must listen to
the trumpet very closely for he will sound the alarm and many will be blessed
because of his compassion and mercy. Though many see the outward pride and
arrogance, I have given him the tender heart of a father who wants to lend a
helping hand to the poor and the needy, to the foreigner and the stranger.’”
Pastor Jeremiah Johnson (Image source:
Johnson’s reference to King Cyrus points to the Isaiah 48 in which God raised a non-believing pagan royalty to work on His behalf but more on this later. He added further:
the body of Christ, we must keep our ears and eyes open as we continue to move
toward the 2016 elections in the United States. I believe that God is not only
going to use the prayers of the saints to bring about His plans and purposes,
but He is even going to use those who do not know Him. What a great comfort and
source of encouragement we have in the wisdom of God in this hour.”
Note: For the rest of the original article, go
Needless to say, the article attracted strong reactionary
responses not just from fellow Christians but also unbelievers. Pro-LBGT
psychology professor Dr Earl Warren Throckmorton was scathing. He wrote,
saying, “If I was of a mind to write a parody of a Charismatic minister writing
about Donald Trump, an article like this would have been a good result.” A
reader, Emily Joy, tweeted, saying, “I’m pretty sure my brain literally just turned into mashed
potatoes reading this…” while missiologist Benjamin L Corey, who happened to label
himself as a radical progressive Christian, denounced Johnson’s witnessing,
“I’m not going to lie, what I just read is the dumbest thing I’ve
read in my life. I’m not trying to be overly or unnecessarily critical, either.
It just really, truly, is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. I had to read it
three times to make sure it wasn’t The Onion.
“Please folks, don’t buy into garbage like this. Want to be
charismatic? Wonderful, I’m a little bit myself. But for the love of Lemmy,
please stop looking to political leaders when you should be looking to Jesus.
It’s called idolatry. And, when you make your idol someone like Donald Trump
(peace and blessings be upon him) the idolatry crosses over into pure
Note: To read more, go
I think what most people don’t understand about Johnson’s message
is that ultimately, God has always been
in control. Most if not all Christians know and accept what this means. Those
who may not be aware of this, will learn and understand its significance as a
binding part of our faith. Those who are against God – atheists, agnostics,
Satanists, feminists and radical leftists – are likely to have problems
grappling with this faith concept. If they cannot accept who God is, they will
simply struggle, resist and eventually reject everything we know about the
Above all, Johnson’s message brings forth three important points that
many seem to miss:
Firstly, it is God’s prerogative as to who He intends to use. It
is not for us who judge who God should and shouldn’t use because He is
sovereign above all. It is not for us to make decisions for God using our own
terms of reference for nothing we know and understand is above an omniscient
God. Johnson says that God told him He will use Trump as His trumpet in America
to reveal all that is corrupt, perverted and vile and if that includes the
Clintons, then that is His right also.
Secondly, Christians face so much noise around in their lives to
sometimes even know what is and isn’t right. It doesn’t help that we have been
constantly inundated by a lying mass media that refuses to deliver balanced
news. With all that goes around in our lives, Christians can be held back for
all the wrong reasons, which is why many Protestants had also voted for Clinton
and the Democrats during this election. However, God’s message through Johnson
is that we must learn to submit to
God’s truth and what He will do through Trump. In other words, we must also
look past Trump’s past indiscretions and with humility, focus on the Lord’s
Thirdly, if God can use people like Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus,
Artaxerxes, Darius, Cyrus or the Jews (or even the Pharaoh) to run His
narrative and deliver His covenant, what is it then that makes us think that
Trump has no right to be part of His plan? In the pursuit of His purposes and
the fulfilment of His intended plan, it is God’s choice as to who He wishes to
use and if it is Trump, then it is Trump. We have no say in this. Instead it
would be prudent for us to humble ourselves and attempt to understand that His
ways are always higher than ours.
God uses whomsoever
Abraham lies to the Pharaoh about Sarah (Image source:
When we make judgements about Trump based on what we perceive of his lack of morals, his gruffness or his womanising ways, we think God has no reason to use him. But we conveniently forget that in Scripture, there is plenty of evidence of how the Lord uses imperfect (flawed) and compromised characters to achieve His ends. Here is a list of some of them (in alphabetical order):
Abraham the patriarch
Twice lied about his wife to save his own skin (Gen 12:17,
20:1-18), considered ‘too old’
Jacob, son of Isaac and
Liar and a deceiver who tricked his father and elder brother,
Esau, into surrendering his birthright (Gen 27:11-40)
Jeremiah the weeping
Constantly depressed and bordering on suicidal (Jer 31:27-34)
King David, son of
A reedy young man with ill-fitting armour who then became an adulterer
and murderer (2 Sam 11:5-27)
Matthew the apostle
Hideous, dishonest and much disliked tax collector (Mt 11:19,
Moses, the deliverer
A stuttering murderer (Ex 2:11-15) who questioned God’s judgement
in using him (Ex 4:10)
Noah, son of Lamech
Although righteous, he is also known to be a drunkard (Gen
Paul the apostle
As Saul of Tarsus, he was a harsh persecutor of God’s people (Acts
Peter the apostle
Thrice denier of Christ (Mk 14:66-72) and known to have spoken for
the devil (Mt 16:23)
Rahab of Jericho
A Canaanite prostitute (Heb 11:31) and yet part of the Hebrews
hall of faith and listed in the direct lineage of Jesus Christ (Mt 1:5)
Samson the
Naïve and vulnerable when it came to his lust for women (Jdg
Sarah, Abraham’s wife
Laughed at God’s promise (Gen 18:12-13), compromised God’s
anointed plan by using Hagar to procreate with Abraham (Gen 16:4)
Wife of Hosea the
It was God who asked Hosea to marry a prostitute (Hos 1:2)
Consider what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 1:26 (NLT):
“Remember, dear brothers and
sisters, that few of you were wise in the world’s eyes or powerful or wealthy
when God called you.”
Here the apostle reminds the people of the church of Corinth of
who they were before they came to Christ. Not many of them were well educated
if at all. Neither did many of them hail from the nobility. You wouldn’t call
them people of ‘good breeding’ either. After all, the Corinthians were hardly
associated with ‘blue blooded’ gentry.
Paul exhorts us to hold up a mirror and look at it and then ask
what we see in our reflection. Are we the noblesse? Do we even deserve to be
called by Christ or for God to call us His children? Haven’t we forgotten about
our sinful nature? For all intents and purposes, we are all fairly ordinary
people from all sorts of backgrounds and who probably have some skeletons in
our own closets. Yet despite all of them, we have been transformed by Jesus
Paul goes on to say amazing but humbling things about all of us:
“Instead, God chose things
the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise.
And He chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God
chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing what the world
considers important. As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God.”
(1 Cor 1:27-29)
Trump supporters cheer at the New York Hilton Midtown on Election Night (Image source:
We could just as easily grab hold of this verse to remind us the context of the recent U.S. elections and who Trump is in God’s eyes and then reiterate it in our own conscience as to whether we understand His choice in this matter.
makes it very clear. He says God chooses things He considers to be foolish,
powerless and despised by the world, things that the world considers to be
unimportant. He might as well also say things that the world do not look up to
or things that the world mocks, dismisses and chides. In brief, when God makes
His choice, He often chooses those whom the world will never in a million years
all that sound like Donald J Trump? Carefully consider the verses again:
God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think
they are wise.” (v.27a)
all the world leaders before the election consider Trump to be far more than
merely foolish. Lots of demeaning words were used. And these leaders consider
themselves wise counsel to the world’s population.
“And He
chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.” (v.27b)
the scheme of the political realm, Trump would be considered ‘powerless.’ More
importantly ‘those who are powerful’ speaks volumes of the Clinton machinery
and the entire Democratic Party behind her. They wield so much power especially
when we take into account how much blinded support they receive from the mass
media, colleges and universities, the Department of Justice and the White House
and the entire administrative apparatus.
“God chose
things despised by the world, things counted as nothing what the world
considers important.” (v.28)
Trump decided to put his name into the ballot, he was consistently mocked and
despised not only by the Democrats but astonishingly, by those in his own
political party. In all things important in this world, everyone was led to
believe that Trump was a ‘nobody’ who doesn’t deserve the time of day.
a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God.” (v.29)
We’ve now seen a tremendous miracle during the 2016 U.S.
Presidential elections. It is a miracle because no man could have pulled this
off. Only God’s mighty hand at work could make this impossible dream come true.
the prophet Isaiah’s words:
“‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways My ways,’ declares the Lord.” (Isa 55:8)
much as Christians are supposed to know this, we keep on having to pound our
heads to remind ourselves that God is different to all of us. As a Creator,
what He thinks does not even enter our brain. We think in a finite manner
although we believe we are capable of understanding infinity. God created the
infinity. He is the beginning and the end. He is the Alpha and the Omega. We
are merely some miniscule (but invaluable) part within the spectra of His
creation. As such, we cannot fathom how He would act and we therefore cannot
expect Him to do things within our realm of understanding because… He is
different to all of us.

The 'silent majority' stands for Trump (Image source: Newsweek)
The 'silent majority' stands for Trump (Image source: Newsweek)
typical of God, He persists in using the weak to show up the supposedly strong.
He destroys the proud by using the humble and trodden. He decimates and
humiliates the powerful by mobilising the discounted and the dismissed (think
of the Rustbelt voters, if you like). He uses someone whom the world despises
to overturn the smart, learned and knowledgeable.
And in all of these actions, God fundamentally is teaching all of us, Christians, never ever to underestimate His infinite power to change things. He is also telling the world, once more, that it doesn’t matter what we think. What God wants, He gets.
And in all of these actions, God fundamentally is teaching all of us, Christians, never ever to underestimate His infinite power to change things. He is also telling the world, once more, that it doesn’t matter what we think. What God wants, He gets.
here is the real Christian worldview
that all of us would do well to learn – our God stands alone. He is
incomparable. His power is impossible for us to understand. And He is above
all, sovereign in every decision He makes. No amount of worldly knowledge we
use to judge Him matters because He is beyond our flawed scrutiny.
is a holy God, free to do as He pleases. If He deigns it necessary to overturn
the tables as He did in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections, so be it. The
results speak for themselves. And if it takes even longer for the liberals,
leftists, feminists, Hollywood celebrities, progressives and socialists to wrap
their minds around who God is, then they’ll just keep on paying the price.
why did God decide to move in this election? Why turn the tables so decisively?
At least three reasons stand out: To destroy all human pride so that no one can
boast in His presence and that all would be equal in His eyes.
Part Three (Final) of this article will be available on November 24 2016.
Part Three (Final) of this article will be available on November 24 2016.
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