An American Landslide Lesson for All Christians
Final Part 3 of 3
Khen LimThe 45th President of the United States Donald J Trump (Image source: Christian Today)
surreal number ‘45’
the recent days after the shocking election fallout, both sides of the
political spectrum have been asking a lot of questions. The Democrats are doing
two things – they are tearing themselves asunder but they are also pointing the
finger to blame everyone else except themselves. Meanwhile the Republicans are
fighting among themselves for a place in Trump’s cabinet and my guess is that
they still have no idea what it was that made the results look so astonishing
and unexpected.
since Pastor Jeremiah Johnson revealed God’s message to him, many within the
Christian circle have been asking the question, “Is there really a prophetic
link to Donald Trump?” And with that, came a flurry of other more pointed
questions like, “Could Trump be God’s sign that America must now pay attention
before it’s too late?” or “Is Trump God’s final warning to the liberal-infested
course, no hardcore liberal worth his name would heed what they consider to be
complete drivel. As we saw earlier, even Christians think this is nonsense. In
fact, many of these same Christians point to Trump’s proposed immigration
policies and questioned if it is really God’s idea to build the wall, ban
Muslim immigrants and deport illegals who are already in America. If this is a
so-called trumpet warning from God, then even Christians don’t want any part of
Lance Wallnau (, an internationally recognised Christian
speaker and business consultant, asked the same question and felt strongly that
Johnson’s message that Trump could be that Cyrus-inspired leader was real but
more importantly, offer Christians a solution worth pondering compared to scandal-riddled
Clinton. Trump is said many times to not be a believer but like many in the
Bible, God could surely use him to help heal the nation.
irony here is this – the chapter on Cyrus in the Book of Isaiah is numbered 45.
And Trump is aspiring to be the 45th President of the United States of America.
Forty-five? This is surreal.
Isaiah tells us
Dr Lance Wallnau (Image source:
Dr Wallnau met Trump for the first time in late December 2015 at the Trump Towers in a meeting where those who attended were essentially strangers to one another but all of them were from the evangelical fraternity. This was a group that represented a community that comprises 30 percent of the entire American population, which works out to be worth 30 million votes.
Trump that Dr Wallnau met was nowhere near the person painted by the mainstream
media. He was not the confrontationist that all of us thought he was. He did
not have a close mind and neither did he force his views upon any of them.
Instead what he experienced was a restrained but gracious person always willing
to accommodate and one who laps up information as voraciously as he filters and
compartmentalises them; all this while he scans every individual in the room,
reading their body language and ascertaining their influence within this select
that time with Trump, Dr Wallnau had first hand understanding of the man
America appears to effortlessly hate and despise. Yet he was experiencing
something completely different and diametrically opposite. His expectations
were turned upside down.
In the discussions that took place during that meeting, Trump heard first-hand what Christians thought of him concerning his fiery temperament and how that might be worrisome given that he was vying to be the most powerful individual on the planet with access to the most destructive red button that could simply end the world. And to that, his response was completely disarming and unexpected:
In the discussions that took place during that meeting, Trump heard first-hand what Christians thought of him concerning his fiery temperament and how that might be worrisome given that he was vying to be the most powerful individual on the planet with access to the most destructive red button that could simply end the world. And to that, his response was completely disarming and unexpected:
“You know, people aren’t aware of what is
coming at me… what I am responding to. Like the storm that broke out when I
took a stand on immigration. It can get pretty vicious. You don’t always know
the back story. I can say this, I never punch indiscriminately. I’m a
counter-puncher… but I fully hear what you are saying. I know where you’re
coming from.”
wasn’t the Trump that Christians thought to be. This wasn’t the person whom
everyone anticipated would come out denying everything and blaming someone
else. This wasn’t the person whose ungodliness was as unremarkable as his
penchant for a fist-fight. Instead what they got was a Donald Trump who was
more genuine than everyone gave him credit for. His response was measured and
yet it was warmly received and acknowledged.
as the meeting progressed, Dr Wallnau was treated to some stunning observation
from Trump. Not only was he aware of some of the Christian leaders in the room
but he was obviously a viewer of Christian TV programming to know who these
personalities were. From that experiencing of watching Christian television, he
had this to say:
“It’s amazing how antagonistic they (meaning
the left-wing) are about people of faith.
It was painful to watch… wasn’t always like this in America. This seems to have
been going on for a while, hasn’t it?”
understanding of how persecuted Christians have been for a good part of a few
decades is uncanny but dead accurate. But this was nothing compared to what he
then had to add:
“I think we had such a long period of
Christian consensus in our culture and we kind of got… spoiled. Is that the
right word? Every other ideological group in the country has a voice. If you
don’t mind me saying so, you guys have gotten soft.
“I mean, we, myself included,
we’ve had it easy as Christians for a long time in America. That’s been
take on the Christian perspective in America is spot-on. It was of course
disturbingly correct. Yes, Christians across the entire nation – and also
around the world – have been living in fear, knowing that their opinions could
cost them everything. The level of intolerance towards Christians and their
faith has, since the beginning of the Obama years, escalated inexorably and
showed no signs of subsiding. With Clinton threatening to take the keys to the
White House, there is every expectation that it would be either just the same
or worse. Most Christians know that it would be far much worse.

Obama (Image source: Salon)
Obama (Image source: Salon)
Obama’s socialism, Christians live in real fear of their faith being removed
from them. Many things were apparently on the table, ready to be used against
the faith community. There was talk of persecuting Christian families for
conducting worship or Bible study in homes. If this proved unfounded, the same
could not be said of Christians and Christian-based organisations that were
scrutinised by the IRS with the genuine risk of losing their tax-exemption
The same also applied to church pastors who fear that their preaching would land them in serious trouble and even if Trump were to free them up to have discourses that involve politics in church, many pastoral leaders would likely continue harbouring fears that all it would take is for one liberal seated among the congregation to report them.
The same also applied to church pastors who fear that their preaching would land them in serious trouble and even if Trump were to free them up to have discourses that involve politics in church, many pastoral leaders would likely continue harbouring fears that all it would take is for one liberal seated among the congregation to report them.
Wallnau recalled something that Trump then said that others might not have paid
enough attention to but it was, again, right on the money:
“People who identify themselves as
‘Christian’ make up probably the single largest constituency in the country but
there is absolutely no unity, no punch… not in political consensus or any other
area I can see.”
it took someone so scorned by many like Trump to point this out in such an
unlikely meeting, Christians within the fold struggle to grapple with it let
alone overcome it. We all seem to understand the divisiveness but there didn’t
appear to be any help to bind us together in strength. Perhaps until now.
And so
with all this unfolding before Dr Wallnau’s eyes, it was time to look at Isaiah
(Isa 45:1-13, NLT)
“1 This is what the Lord says to Cyrus, His anointed one, whose right hand He will empower. Before him, mighty kings will be
paralysed with fear. Their fortress gates will be opened, never to shut again.
2 This is what the Lord says: ‘I will go before you, Cyrus, and level the mountains. I will
smash down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.
3 And I will give you treasures
hidden in the darkness — secret riches. I will do this so
you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, the One who calls you by name.
4 ‘And why have I called you for
this work? Why did I call you by name when you did not know Me? It is for the
sake of Jacob my servant, Israel My chosen one.
5 I am the Lord; there is no other God. I have
equipped you for battle, though you don’t even know Me,
6 so all the world from east to west will know there is no other God. I am the Lord, and there is no other.
6 so all the world from east to west will know there is no other God. I am the Lord, and there is no other.
7 I create the light and make the
darkness. I send good times and bad times. I, the Lord, am the One who does these
8 ‘Open up, O heavens, and pour out
Your righteousness. Let the earth open wide so salvation and righteousness can
sprout up together. I, the Lord, created
9 ‘What sorrow awaits those who
argue with their Creator? Does a clay pot argue with its maker? Does the clay
dispute with the one who shapes it, saying, ‘Stop, you’re doing it wrong!’ Does
the pot exclaim, ‘How clumsy can you be?’
10 How terrible it would be if a
newborn baby said to its father, ‘Why was I born?’ or if it said to its mother,
‘Why did you make me this way?’’
11 This is what the Lord says — the Holy One of Israel and your Creator: ‘Do you question
what I do for My children? Do you give Me orders about the work of My hands?’
12 I am the One who made the earth
and created people to live on it. With My hands, I stretched out the heavens.
All the stars are at My command.
13 I will raise up Cyrus to fulfil My righteous purpose, and I will guide his actions. He will restore My city and free My
captive people — without seeking a reward! I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, have spoken!”
King Cyrus as he enters Babylon (Image source:
At this point in time, Trump was in the midst of the Republican primaries, facing fourteen other candidates, with three having dropped out earlier in the piece. And with that, Dr Wallnau was now attempting to understand the relevance of King Cyrus in the larger scheme of things but nothing sent the chills right through the spine as profoundly as knowing that this was chapter 45 in the Book of Isaiah and the next U.S. President would ironically be number 45.
tells us that God revealed to the prophet Isaiah a foreigner named Cyrus almost
one-hundred and fifty years before he was even born; that he would be His
anointed shepherd to His people. He would be God’s emissary to commence the rebuilding
of the holy city of Jerusalem. Cyrus wasn’t just a non-Jew; he wasn’t even from
the lineage of David. Yet God called him, ‘His anointed one’ (45:1) with the following
nine highly significant instances of divine development:
God empowers Cyrus through his right hand (v.1)
God will instil fear into the hearts of mighty kings (ibid)
God will force their fortress gates forever open, making them
vulnerable to Cyrus (ibid)
God will flatten the mountains, destroy the gates of bronze and
slice apart all the iron bars for Cyrus to advance (v.2)
God will provide Cyrus with treasures that were until then, hidden
away so that he will know that He is the Lord God of Israel (v.3)
God will ensure that even though Cyrus does not know Him, he will still
be properly equipped for battle (v.5)
God will raise up Cyrus and use him to fulfil His righteous
purpose on earth (v.13)
God will guide Cyrus so that he may fulfil His purpose (ibid)
God will pave the way to reinstate His city and set free His
people from bondage (ibid)
The single greatest significance in God using someone like Cyrus
is that he was not a believer and neither was he a Jew but again, biblical history
has shown in many places within Scripture that He was not averse to doing this.
In world history, God has done the same as we witness numerous others who did
the same. Of those we are more familiar with whom God used to champion
righteous causes, we could think of Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln and
Ronald Reagan. Each of them overcame evil to restore order to the world and
each of them were God-fearing people as well.
In the nine instances mentioned above, it is very clear that God
would take up central position to empower Cyrus. He would intercede for him. He
would make the way open for him. He would weaponise him. He would even finance
him. He would do everything beyond the impossible to make sure that Cyrus would
deliver for Him. This set of promises is a tremendous gift and if it resonates
with what we’re seeing with Trump, then imagine the numerous conquests in
America and the world that lie ahead of him to savour!
The Cyrus Cylinder and the ancient proclamations of human rights (Image source:
The Bible goes on to tell us that Cyrus was indeed successful. He not only ended the bondage and humiliation of God’s people but he also paved the way for all the prophecies and prayers to cover Jerusalem in fitting glory. Ezra 1:1-4 (NLT) records Cyrus being given the go-ahead to rebuild the Temple as follows:
“1 In the first year of King Cyrus of Persia, the Lord fulfilled the
prophecy He had given through Jeremiah. He stirred the heart of Cyrus to put
this proclamation in writing and to send it throughout his kingdom:
2 ‘This
is what King Cyrus of Persia says: ‘The Lord, the God of Heaven, has given me
all the kingdoms of the earth. He has appointed me to build Him a Temple at
Jerusalem, which is in Judah.
3 Any
of you who are His people may go to Jerusalem in Judah to rebuild this Temple
of the Lord, the God of Israel, who lives in Jerusalem. And may your God be
with you!
4 Wherever this Jewish
remnant is found, let their neighbours contribute toward their expenses by
giving them silver and gold, supplies for the journey, and livestock, as well
as a voluntary offering for the Temple of God in Jerusalem.’”
God’s command to Cyrus to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem extended
to include others such as King Darius and King Artaxerxes until the prophet
Nehemiah who returned from captivity with His people to build the wall around
the holy city. Two things bring us to attention with these verses – the Temple
of the Lord (in some other translations, it is called ‘the House of the Lord’)
and Nehemiah’s return to build the wall. In today’s context, it’s not difficult
to think of the Temple of the Lord as His Church. As for the wall, Proverbs
25:28 (NLT) could reveal something interesting:
person without self-control is like a city with broken down walls.”
In other words, ‘a city with broken down walls’ being akin to a
person void of control over his own self suggests a society in decay, anarchy
and badly in need of healing and restoration. Hence when Trump kept exhorting, “build
the wall!” it could be symbolically more significant than people assume.
All of this reveals a nation (America) in desperate need to regain
control of its senses. After decades of negligence including the last eight
years of horrific leftist experimentation under Obama, we now have a country in
near-tatters, waiting for a complete breakdown, a country without walls (like
Nehemiah’s Jerusalem) and one without the decency of being able to rule herself
but instead under the mercy of lesser nations around the world.
A 28-year-old Abraham Lincoln, in his Lyceum address on January 27
1838, said, among other things:
“At what point then is the
approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must
spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we
must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live
through all time, or die by suicide.”
For the entire speech, go here.
Lincoln might as well be talking about the America of 2016 because
the description is hauntingly and undeniably real. Although we see threats and
dangers around the world, the most insidious and lethal kinds are the ones that
have now surfaced within the nation including the forces of liberalisation and socialism
as well as jihadist terrorism sponsored by enemies of America.
If we understand and see the Cyrus correlation with President-elect
Trump, we may then envision God having sent into our midst His tough-speaking envoy
untainted by Washington politics, ready to destroy the very elements that have
been sinking this great nation of America.

Deposed Democrat nominee, Hillary Clinton (Image source:
Deposed Democrat nominee, Hillary Clinton (Image source:
Be it terrorism, corruption, racism, crime, abortion or the
insanity of political correctness, Christians are now beginning to peer past
the fog of doubt and uncertainty and see the Cyrus anointing in Trump to heal,
rebuild and reclaim everything America has lost.
“His (Trump’s) emergence is
such a destabilising threat to the vast deal-making machinery embedded in both
parties that he has the unique distinction of being rejected by both liberal
Democrats and establishment Republicans at the same time,” said Dr Wallnau.
Just as the liberals and hardcore leftists love to misuse the
phrase ‘Love Trumps Hate’ to accuse the President-elect of plying hate and
bigotry, we too can look to the word ‘trump’ and find how, instead, it is
actually used in the Bible. Based on the venerable KJV translation, the word
appears at least twice and both times in the New Testament as the indelible
trumpet blasts at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the subsequent
resurrection of the dead.
The first is 1 Corinthians 15:52 when the apostle Paul said:
“In a moment, in the
twinkling of an eye, at the last trump:
for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we
shall be changed.” (KJV)
Using the NLT version for a simpler translation, it means:
“It will happen in a moment,
in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet
is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised
to live forever. And we who are living will also be transformed.”
The second is when he wrote his letter to the church at
Thessaloniki in 1 Thessalonians 4:16, saying:
“For the Lord Himself shall
descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the
trump of God; and the dead in Christ
shall rise first…” (KJV)
A simpler translation from the NLT says this:
“For the Lord Himself will
come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel
and with the trumpet call of God.
First, the believers who have died will rise from their graves.”
The KJV (King James Version) Bible uses the word trump to mean ‘the trumpet call of God’
and in more specific terms, it refers to that last trumpet blast when the dead
shall arise on the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, could Donald
Trump be God’s ultimatum to America and the world to clean up our act or face
the consequences?
The more I look at it, the more convinced I am of that.
Pray for Trump
Evangelical leaders lay hand on and pray for Trump (Image source: Religion News Service)
People have always had a dim view of Trump’s propensity to unleash his tongue as we have witnessed in the build-up to the elections. Many are justifiably worried that he may erupt at the wrong time and wrong place. If he could be so mean against the men and women of his own political party and those of his peers, one can’t imagine what he would say given that diplomacy breaks down with his foreign counterparts.
It is a scary thought especially to those who has not have the
opportunity to know his softer accommodating side. For them, Trump can do more
harm than good now that he has the opportunity to break America free of her
chains. Instead, despite God’s anointing, perhaps the possibility of him
dispensing dangerous emotional bile is very real.
For all these fears, this is as good a time as any for all
Christians in America and around the world to come together and pray. Remember Trump
was delivered victoriously because God heard all our global corporate prayers.
And He will hear us again as we pray for restraint.
Perhaps therefore, consider the following ten points when you pray
in your privacy and in your church:
1. Work with the evangelicals
Trump will seek counsel with the leading evangelicals who have
brought him success so far. They include Mike Pence, Ben Carson, Michele
Bachmann, Mike Huckabee, James Robison and Tony Perkins and many others who
have prayed so fervently for him.
2. Have strength in numbers
Trump will surround himself with people who not only care for the
country as much as he does but are resolute enough to make it happen no matter
the resistance. They don’t just include Rudy Giuliani but possibly also some
members of his own family.
3. United we stand, divided we fall
Trump fills all the important positions in his Cabinet with deliberate
cautiousness, well-thought-out strategy and calculated wisdom. He will need to
choose people with strong integrity, honesty and dedication to respect their
positions of power and authority.
4. Pride goes before a fall
Trump will maintain humility and temperance, knowing that the
pride and brashness that brought him the presidency can also be the same pride –
and brashness – that would ultimate dismantle him and his entire team. He must know
that being the President of the most powerful nation in the world isn’t quite
the same as being head honcho of the Trump Corporation.
5. Fill the bench with righteousness
Trump must fully deliver on his promises and of these, the most
critical isn’t the Affordable Care Act but the pledge to flesh out the Supreme
Court with conservative justices who will honour the U.S. Constitution and not
strip the country of its dignity and security.
6. Stay on track, be focused
Trump must not deviate from his focus to strengthen the Republican
narrative in the larger scheme of things. And in that, he must not soften his
stance in the way he described how Christianity was compromised by complacency.
7. Lest you forget who we are
Trump must show he means business by fulfilling the people’s need
to see that justice is properly administered and carried out. In being the
president for all Americans, he must now not alienate those who have brought
him to power by turning his back on them.
8. Redefine exceptionalism
Trump must show real commitment to heal the nation of brokenness
and to put the mending in place through not just structural but also spiritual
restoration. He must be mindful to bring back pride of place of what it is to
be American and what it means to be inclusive and yet exceptional.
9. Uphold God’s children everywhere
Trump must do all he can in his power to protect all Christians
not just in America but around the world. This means upholding their rights to practise
and uphold their faith even if it means overcoming intervention overreach and the
insanity of political correctness.
Represent America with
Trump must be aware that on a global platform, proper presidential
conduct is expected of him when he represents the United States of America.
This also means that he no longer has to bow before mere men but to exclusively
and unreservedly accept the sovereignty of the Lord God Almighty.
May America rise again. May she honour God and be the light and
salt to the rest of the world.

Students at Liberty University pray for Trump (Image source: The Guardian)

Students at Liberty University pray for Trump (Image source: The Guardian)
Welcome, President Donald J Trump. Don’t forget we, Christians.
Further note: For a
more balanced view of your news, this alphabetically-ordered list of
recommended conservative news outlets may work for you:
American Renaissance
American Thinker, The*
Blaze, The*
Breitbart News**
CNS News
Condell, Pat*
Coulter, Ann**
Daily Caller, The*
10. Daily Sheeple, The
11. Drudge Report**
12. Farrar, Joseph**
13. Federalist Papers, The*
14. Fox News*
15. Geller Report, The
(formerly Atlas Shrugs)**
16. Hewitt, Hugh
17. Infowars*
18. Jewish World Review
19. Jihad Watch*
20. Judicial Watch**
21. Levin, Mark*
22. Liberty Alliance**
23. Malkin, Michelle*
24. Media Research Centre*
25. Morris, Dick
26. National Review*
27. New York Post*
28. NewsMax
29. Patriot Post, The
30. Pipes, Daniel
31. PJ Media
32. Prager University**
33. RealClearPolitics**
34. Red Alert Politics**
35. Rockwell, Lew
36. Rush Limbaugh Show**
37. Schlussel, Debbie
38. Sean Hannity Show**
39. Townhall**
40. Washington Examiner, The**
41. Washington Times**
42. Wall Street Journal (WSJ)*
43. West, Allen B**
44. Western Centre for
45. World News Daily (WND)**
Disclaimer: I
personally don’t profess to be familiar with all of them. Although much of the
list is a combination of what I know and what I can find out online, the ones I
am very familiar with and/or the ones I subscribe to and read regularly are
those that I have marked with two asterisks. Those with one asterisk each are the
ones I read from time to time or have stumbled across them every now and then.
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