Sunday, May 28, 2017

As the Trials Get Worse, Our Faith Grows Stronger (Part 3 of 3, Final)

As the Trials Get Worse, Our Faith Grows Stronger (Part 3 of 3, Final)
A four-month testimony of events that reveal the Hand of God

Khen Lim

Image result for golden retriever gone in heaven

Image source: Pinterest

Part two last week was about my wife contracting dengue fever and needing to be hospitalised, which left the care of our 17-month-old twins in my sole car. And then once she was discharged, it was my turn to be bedridden for a week, floored by a seemingly harmless flu but made far worse by a stomach infection.

This week, our final part takes us to the rest of April and then a little beyond where we also look into how God uses adversities to teach us invaluable lessons.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

As the Trials Get Worse, Our Faith Grows Stronger (Parr 2 of 3)

As the Trials Get Worse, Our Faith Grows Stronger (Part 2 of 3)
A four-month testimony of events that reveal the Hand of God

Khen Lim

Image result for dengue fever blood test

Image source:

In Part 1 last week, I spoke about my father being hospitalised for pneumonia in January and then wrestling with a thief the following month and in both cases, God’s presence was evident. If not for His hand of protection, things could easily have gone south for us. 

My father would likely have had lost his life. At his old age and with serious medical complications, pneumonia could easily kill. And with the physical fighting with the thief, had he brought a knife along, I might not have been able to write these articles for you to read. 

This week, we look at the months of March and early April.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

As the Trials Get Worse, Our Faith Grows Stronger (Part 1 of 3)

As the Trials Get Worse, Our Faith Grows Stronger (Part 1 of 3)
A four-month testimony of events that reveal the Hand of God

Khen Lim

Image result for in icu nearly died of pneumonia

Image source: NBC News

There has never been any year where our family had sustained the worst wave of challenges within a little more than the first quarter. From January to April, we were inundated with one problem after another much like struggling to sail over the roughest seas one can imagine. 

Tumbling from one to the next, our resilience was tested, our patience worn as thin as it could and our self-belief took a walloping that could have knocked all of us cold. Now that we’re have cleared a very tough April, we really don’t know what else would be in store for us.