Can We Reconcile God’s
Word with Prehistoric Man? (Part 3 of 3, Final)
Khen Lim

Diorama reconstruction of the Java Man at the Sangiran Museum of Ancient Man in Central Java (Image source:
Java Man
Known ‘scientifically’
by the name Pithecanthropus erectus to simply mean ‘erect ape man,’ the Java
Man is supposedly an ape-like man that was capable of standing upright. Evolutionists
later attempted to give the fossil further recognition, calling it Homo
The Java Man was first discovered in some gravel bed somewhere on the island of Java, Indonesia in 1891 and then 1892 by Dr Eugène Dubois, a Dutch paleoanthropologist and an avid evolutionist looking to nail Creationism. With this discovery, he thought he had found the missing link.
The Java Man was first discovered in some gravel bed somewhere on the island of Java, Indonesia in 1891 and then 1892 by Dr Eugène Dubois, a Dutch paleoanthropologist and an avid evolutionist looking to nail Creationism. With this discovery, he thought he had found the missing link.
What the huge expanse
of gravel bed turned out to be were dozens of random animal and human bones.
None of them seem to resemble anything unusual. Certainly, this wasn’t a burial
site either. Yet, Dubois could pick three of the myriad bones and returned home
to Europe declaring, “Here is our missing link!”
Of the three were one miserable tooth, an alleged skullcap and a thigh bone, which is now seen at the American Museum of Natural History. What is striking about this thigh bone was that it looked like a typical modern leg bone, which for all intents and purposes, it probably is.
Of the three were one miserable tooth, an alleged skullcap and a thigh bone, which is now seen at the American Museum of Natural History. What is striking about this thigh bone was that it looked like a typical modern leg bone, which for all intents and purposes, it probably is.
As for the skullcap, it
was unusually low and had a receding forehead. Dubois was so adamant that it
was a human skull cap but eventually just before he died, he admitted it was
from a gibbon instead. So much for being an honest paleoanthropologist. Yet,
here he was, not only telling the world that this so-called Java Man was the ‘missing link’ but that it was as
old as 500,000 years, a figure he conjured out of nothing.
If the Java Man proved
to be a hopeless unscientific hoax and nothing like the evolutionists call it,
why are children studying about it? How did two modern bones and one gibbon
fossil become this famous? But if this is an astounding lie made to look
scientific and authentic, there are many more.
Peking Man
Forensic facial reconstruction of the so-called Peking Man (Image source: Ancient Origins)
While Dubois claimed his Java Man was 500,000 years old, Davidson Black told the scientific community and later the world in 1927 that his Peking Man was 400,000 years of age, all from the basis of a single tooth.
Discovered in Zhoukoudian near Beijing (formerly called Peking), the Peking Man was also conferred the title of Homo erectus and that through subsequent excavations, the single tooth was later accompanied by several skullcaps, mandibles, facial and limb bones as well as teeth from as many as forty individuals. Scientists later suggested that the Peking Man was probably closer to 230,000 to 770,000 years old instead.
What is now completely
lost as a result of the Second World War, the Peking Man can no longer be seen
in public. Yet a Field Museum in Chicago has a display that says the age was
“according to different geological estimates.”
Claiming that this is yet another ‘missing link’ chorus from the evolutionists is one thing but to establish it as fact based on “estimates” is stupefying. After all, an estimate is no more than an empirical guess, a pot shot in the dark, a lick-the-finger-and-test-the-air guesstimate. Invariably, that guess always seems to err on the prehistoric side. But it gets worse.
Claiming that this is yet another ‘missing link’ chorus from the evolutionists is one thing but to establish it as fact based on “estimates” is stupefying. After all, an estimate is no more than an empirical guess, a pot shot in the dark, a lick-the-finger-and-test-the-air guesstimate. Invariably, that guess always seems to err on the prehistoric side. But it gets worse.
Below that line, the
display continues, “The cranial capacity of the known specimens range from
850cc to 1,300cc, an average of 1,075cc; the upper end of the range overlaps
with modern man.” With the modern man’s brain standing at 1,450cc cubic content
size, this means the Peking Man’s brain was small to very small indeed.
Yet, incredulously, the narrative continues, “The limb bones of Homo erectus, including both Java Man and the Peking varieties, are indistinguishable from those of modern man.”
Yet, incredulously, the narrative continues, “The limb bones of Homo erectus, including both Java Man and the Peking varieties, are indistinguishable from those of modern man.”
How can such a large
cranial capacity difference be indistinguishable? And how can the Museum say
that they are as old as 230,000 to 770,000 years of age when for all we know,
this Peking Man might be anything like a few thousand years old, since it was
“indistinguishable from those of modern man.”
You cannot help but be completely dumbfounded by how poor anthropological science has become with the onset of evolutionism. If the Peking Man – and/or the Java Man – are no different from modern man, according to this Museum, then what worth is this alleged ‘missing link’ and what does it really say about the so-called evolution of man?
You cannot help but be completely dumbfounded by how poor anthropological science has become with the onset of evolutionism. If the Peking Man – and/or the Java Man – are no different from modern man, according to this Museum, then what worth is this alleged ‘missing link’ and what does it really say about the so-called evolution of man?
Like the Java Man,
evolutionists continue to clutch at straws. For every ‘discovery’ they make,
the ludicrousness gets more laughable and… stupid. What’s hilarious about this
hoax is that there are no bones to be found and yet so much can be made from so
Apparently, while the original fossils were at the Peking Union Medical College back in 1941 amidst the oncoming Japanese invasion, efforts were made to get them out from China to the United States. Somewhere along the way, they disappeared.
Apparently, while the original fossils were at the Peking Union Medical College back in 1941 amidst the oncoming Japanese invasion, efforts were made to get them out from China to the United States. Somewhere along the way, they disappeared.
But wait, there’s more
to come from the evolutionists.
Nebraska Man
Artistic impression by The Illustrated London News of the alleged but fake Nebraska Man (Image source: Harun Yahya)
From a single tooth unearthed in 1923 somewhere in Nebraska, the aptly-named Nebraska Man represented yet another allegation of an ape-based man. Science accorded it the taxonomic name of Hesperopithecus haroldcookii to honour its evolutionist-cum-geologist, Harold Cook.
The scientific name bears the meaning ‘ape of the western world’ as a way to trumpet the discovery as the first of higher primates of North America. While Cook was the discoverer, it was actually the palaeontologist Henry Fairfield Osborn who from just a single tooth, surmised that it was from an early ape-man.
Following this,
anatomist-paleoanthropologist Grafton Elliot Smith who was embroiled in the
equally-as-ridiculous Piltdown Man disgrace, persuaded The Illustrated London
News’ illustrator, Amedee Forester, in June 1922 to publish an artist’s
impression of what the Nebraska Man (and woman) could look like. Think about
this for a moment. All this from a single tooth. Drawn by a person with no
scientific understanding. In a time before advanced computerised reconstruction
was available. Do any of this make sense?
Yet imagine the
embarrassment when further excavations at the same original site revealed that
everything about the Nebraska Man was false. Eventually, everyone in the know
decided that the tooth had belonged to a peccary, which was a medium-sized
hoofed pig indigenous to Central and South America as well as southwestern
parts of North America.
The finding was so demoralising that in 1927, the journal of the AAAS (tr. American Association for the Advancement of Science) called Science withdrew all previous claims calling the Nebraska Man the ‘missing link.’ In his 1973 book entitled, ‘Evolution: The Fossils Say No!’ Duane Gish said of the debacle, “This is a case in which a scientist made a man out of a pig and the pig made a monkey out of the scientist!’ How embarrassing.
The finding was so demoralising that in 1927, the journal of the AAAS (tr. American Association for the Advancement of Science) called Science withdrew all previous claims calling the Nebraska Man the ‘missing link.’ In his 1973 book entitled, ‘Evolution: The Fossils Say No!’ Duane Gish said of the debacle, “This is a case in which a scientist made a man out of a pig and the pig made a monkey out of the scientist!’ How embarrassing.
If that wasn’t
notorious enough, it was this very same tooth that Clarence Darrow of the
still-disreputable American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) held up in the
infamous Scopes Monkey Trial in 1925 and declared it as evidence of the evolved
From The Encyclopaedia of Evolution, Richard Milner said this: “In 1925 when John Scopes was tried for breaking Tennessee’s state law against teaching Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution in the public schools, the Hesperopithecus tooth was introduced as evolutionary evidence, along with other fossils of early man (as) then accepted by science (including Piltdown, which was later revealed as a fossil forgery).”
From The Encyclopaedia of Evolution, Richard Milner said this: “In 1925 when John Scopes was tried for breaking Tennessee’s state law against teaching Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution in the public schools, the Hesperopithecus tooth was introduced as evolutionary evidence, along with other fossils of early man (as) then accepted by science (including Piltdown, which was later revealed as a fossil forgery).”
“Two years after the
‘Monkey Trial,’ a team of palaeontologists returned to the Nebraska site where
Hesperopithecus had been discovered five years earlier, determined to find more
of this mysterious creature. To their joy, weathering had exposed parts of a
jaw and skeleton on the precious spot. Eagerly, they brushed away dust and sand
until the ancient fossil emerged to tell its truth, the infamous molar had once
belonged to an extinct pig!”
Piltdown Man

Back row standing second from right is Charles Dawson and to his left Arthur Smith Woodward with Arthur Keith seated in a white lab coat in a painting by John Cooke in 1915 (Image source: Wikipedia)
If the Nebraska Man was a complete sham, the Piltdown Man takes deception to the next level through an incredible charade that could only be possible because of media involvement. But in the end, evolutionists avoided it in droves.
The name reflects a
place called Piltdown in East Sussex, England where in 1912, an amateur
archaeologist, Charles Dawson, made claims of having discovered the ‘missing
link’ from what looked like bone fragments from a section of a skill allegedly
belonging to a previously unheard-of prehistoric man in gravel beds that were
thought to be Pleistocene in period.
Following the ‘discovery,’ Dawson got in touch with Arthur Smith Woodward who was the Keeper of Geology at the Natural History Museum. Together they went on to further discover more artefacts at the same bed.
Following the ‘discovery,’ Dawson got in touch with Arthur Smith Woodward who was the Keeper of Geology at the Natural History Museum. Together they went on to further discover more artefacts at the same bed.
With conviction in
place, Smith Woodward went on to reconstruct the fossilised fragments and from
there, made the hypothesis that they belonged to some unknown form of human
dating back to about 500,000 years earlier. And with all of that, the
Geological Society finally announced in a meeting that the discovery was called
Eoanthropus dawsoni, to mean ‘Dawson’s dawn-man.’ There was much excitement
around this discovery.

Lawyer and amateur scientist Charles Dawson (Image source:

Lawyer and amateur scientist Charles Dawson (Image source:
Even then, it was
controversial. At the Royal College of Surgeons, copies of the fossils were met
with suspicion and had summarily resulted in very different reconstructions.
And yet the person who discovered the earlier Heidelberg Man (more about this
next), Otto Schoetensack, went on to proclaim the find as the best evidence of
modern man’s ape-like ancestry while anthropologist Grafton Elliot Smith at a
Royal Society meeting went to Smith’s aid and accused an unconvinced Prof
Arthur Keith of personal ambition in his opposition of the Piltdown Man.
In the year following its discovery, David Waterson of King’s College London wrote in the Nature magazine that the evidence was nothing more than a mandible of an ape and a human skull. Others later concurred also.

Replica of the fake Piltdown Man skull (Image source: History in the Headlines)
In the year following its discovery, David Waterson of King’s College London wrote in the Nature magazine that the evidence was nothing more than a mandible of an ape and a human skull. Others later concurred also.
Replica of the fake Piltdown Man skull (Image source: History in the Headlines)
Almost forty years
later, in 1953, Dawson’s fake job was ultimately exposed as a forgery and a
deliberate one at that. The fossils were actually a mandible and some teeth
from an orangutan but it was more than just that. What they uncovered was
Dawson had done three things.
Firstly, he planted the ‘evidence’ so that it could be ‘discovered.’ Secondly, he deliberately altered the mandible and thirdly, he purposely combined the teeth with the cranium of a matured but small-brained recent human. This incredible fake is still on display at the British Museum of Science. What was supposed half-a-million year old fossils turned out to be 500 for the altered mandible and 600 years old for the skull fragments.

1924 newspaper article of the shocking hoax (Image source: Genetic Literacy Project)
Firstly, he planted the ‘evidence’ so that it could be ‘discovered.’ Secondly, he deliberately altered the mandible and thirdly, he purposely combined the teeth with the cranium of a matured but small-brained recent human. This incredible fake is still on display at the British Museum of Science. What was supposed half-a-million year old fossils turned out to be 500 for the altered mandible and 600 years old for the skull fragments.

1924 newspaper article of the shocking hoax (Image source: Genetic Literacy Project)
This composite hoax was
shocking in a different way to the others because Dawson was complicit and
malicious. As he sought to gain public attention, there was barely any
attention given to the fact that he had been involved in other earlier
archaeological hoaxes where at least 38 of his specimens were proven fakes.
Miles Russell said in a 2003 BBC News that, “Piltdown was not a ‘one-off’ hoax,
more the culmination of a life’s work.”
Despite being found
out, Dawson remains a ‘significant’ contributor to the pursuit of human
evolutionism. However the damage brought on evolutionism – including Dawson’s
efforts – are more widespread than simply just a hoax. Like many other
paleoanthropological findings, evolution science was predominantly shaped along
racial lines.
In Piltdown’s case, the features of the so-called prehistoric man were spoken using references to non-white (essentially African) ethnic origins mainly because scientists at that time considered them to be lower human forms closer to primates.

Bust reconstruction of the disgraced Piltdown Man (Image source: Getty Images)
In Piltdown’s case, the features of the so-called prehistoric man were spoken using references to non-white (essentially African) ethnic origins mainly because scientists at that time considered them to be lower human forms closer to primates.
Bust reconstruction of the disgraced Piltdown Man (Image source: Getty Images)
Isabelle De Groote,
paleoanthropologist at Liverpool John Moores University said Dawson’s sleight
of hand still bears a strong reminder today of how modern science can be led up
the garden path. Although his brazenness is not likely to pass any of today’s
modern sophisticated tests and screenings, it’s more to do with attitude and
When scientists gear themselves to want to find something, they probably would even if it’s against all grains of truth. In fact, De Groote maintains that this is still happening today. “Piltdown Man sets a good example of the need for us to take a step back and look at the evidence for what it is and not for whether it conforms to our preconceived ideas.”
When scientists gear themselves to want to find something, they probably would even if it’s against all grains of truth. In fact, De Groote maintains that this is still happening today. “Piltdown Man sets a good example of the need for us to take a step back and look at the evidence for what it is and not for whether it conforms to our preconceived ideas.”
Heidelberg Man

A reconstructed impression of the so-called Heidelberg Man (Image source: Seeker)
Called Homo heidelbergensis for obvious reasons, the Heidelberg Man was, like all others, hailed as the best example of the prehistoric man and yet another stab at advancing human evolutionism. Yet, just like most others, it all came from only one sliver of physical evidence.
In this case, it was a jaw found in 1907 in Mauer near Heidelberg, Germany by Otto Schoetensack to which, yet again, the estimate age is in the region of 500,000 years. Some even say the Heidelberg Man was up to 800,000 years old. This time, the fossil was discovered in a gravel quarry some eighty feet below in the Neckar River valley.
Also referred to as
Homo rhodesiensis, it is said to be an extinct species that inhabited Africa,
Europe and western Asia. So-called artist’s impressions portray the Heidelberg
Man as being a hairy, stocky and thickened-browed close predecessor of the
Neanderthal and by its regard as a common ancestor to modern man, he was
central to the entire human evolutionism debate.
Yet according to recent
studies on what was essentially incomplete fossil evidence, the Heidelberg Man
has fallen well short of all the claims made of him. Some in the scientific
community considered the fossils as presenting a more complicated picture and
an increasingly apparent history of controversy.
There have been many battles fought among scientists as to whose claim is or isn’t correct. Heated debates reveal cracks at a unified stand concerning the Heidelberg Man with a line that divided those who agreed and those who couldn’t and in the end, some scientists are rushing desperately so save this hominid and in a wider sense, the entire human evolutionism.

A replica of the alleged jawbone of the Heidelberg Man (Image source: Gesundheitsindustrie BW)
There have been many battles fought among scientists as to whose claim is or isn’t correct. Heated debates reveal cracks at a unified stand concerning the Heidelberg Man with a line that divided those who agreed and those who couldn’t and in the end, some scientists are rushing desperately so save this hominid and in a wider sense, the entire human evolutionism.
A replica of the alleged jawbone of the Heidelberg Man (Image source: Gesundheitsindustrie BW)
After attending a
closed-door meeting in France to decide if it is or isn’t an ancestor to the
modern man, Michael Balter in Science Magazine actually thinks that Homo
heidelbergensis might after all be no more than a simple paleoanthropologist’s
construct. In other words, he might actually be a persona non-grata.
“This is a good
reminder that categories in science are human constructs. In historical
evolutionary scenarios, the story comes first, then the data. Designations of
ancestry are highly theory dependent. Did Heidelberg Man ever exist? Only in
the imaginations of certain modern people with a particular worldview to
promote. They found a few bones to promote their imaginary world, then hired
artists to put skin, hair and facial expressions on them, placing them in
dioramas with caves, campfires and mammoth bones.
“Trouble is, the story
is so convoluted and implausible, a number of upshots are doubting the
usefulness of the label, while others are fighting ‘vigorously to save both the
species and the simpler, more straightforward view of human evolution that is
represents.’ Translation: ‘It’s been such a useful myth! We can’t just let it
go! What will the Creationists say?’ With the Neanderthal label slipping away,
they’re not about to let the Heidelberg label slide down the same trash chute.”
On a simpler basis, the
Neckar River where the fossil was found deposits many feet of gravel because it
floods every year. Yet if the jaw bone was found only eighty feet deep, it is
hard to conceive that it would be dated at 500,000 let alone 800,000 years old.
At that shallow depth (considering the regular floods), the Heidelberg Man could well be no more than a few thousand years in age. Perhaps all of this are now starting to make a more realistic impression on at least a few scientists who are now saying that maybe the Heidelberg Man’s jaw is possible more modern than originally perceived. And if that’s the case, human evolutionism has been dealt yet another explosive blow to its credibility.
At that shallow depth (considering the regular floods), the Heidelberg Man could well be no more than a few thousand years in age. Perhaps all of this are now starting to make a more realistic impression on at least a few scientists who are now saying that maybe the Heidelberg Man’s jaw is possible more modern than originally perceived. And if that’s the case, human evolutionism has been dealt yet another explosive blow to its credibility.
Creationism has no
However real the reconstructions, they are all hoaxes (Image source: Spillwords)
The Java Man. The Peking Man. The Piltdown Man. The Nebraska Man. The Heidelberg Man. Whatever ‘Man’ evolutionists have been coming up with over the centuries, they’ve all be thoroughly debunked. Yet they keep coming back at us time and again because evolutionists are not content to let the debate settle. They see it as their ‘holy grail’ to not just disprove the Bible’s Creationism but to completely discredit God and His Word.
And yet, repeatedly so,
the Bible stays doubtless. The Creation of Man stands proud and unfettered.
Adam was created from the dust of the ground and God breathed His spirit into
his nostrils and thence, he became a living soul.
None of us were there to see it, sure, and so for all of us Christians, it is a matter of unwavering faith. We cannot prove it since none of our eyes have seen it but we believe this is the case. Because God says so. Our relationship is not with monkeys or apes or any primates. It is with God, our Creator.
None of us were there to see it, sure, and so for all of us Christians, it is a matter of unwavering faith. We cannot prove it since none of our eyes have seen it but we believe this is the case. Because God says so. Our relationship is not with monkeys or apes or any primates. It is with God, our Creator.
He made us. As He also
made the apes. But He was clear-minded not to mix the both. He certainly did
not pick up an ape and then decide to base man on it. And most assuredly, God
didn’t say, “Let Us make human beings in Our image, to be like Us” with a view
that man would be shaped from apes or any pre-Adamaic creature.
Instead, just as Scripture says, man was made uniquely by God because he came from the dust of the earth. Our lives therefore come directly from the Lord.

A reconstructed model to illustrate what a Neanderthal man looks like (Image source: Seeker)
Instead, just as Scripture says, man was made uniquely by God because he came from the dust of the earth. Our lives therefore come directly from the Lord.

A reconstructed model to illustrate what a Neanderthal man looks like (Image source: Seeker)
The genealogy of man
does not comprise of one prehistoric man after another before we ‘finally’ come
to the modern man. You cannot line up the fakes from Java, Peking, Nebraska,
Piltdown and Heidelberg and say with any credibility that they offer a logical
transcendence to who we are today.
And that is because the arguments put forward by the evolutionists have all been thoroughly demolished. What we have instead is a Table of Nations (Gen 10 et al) in the Bible that clearly offers us a fully-documented history of man’s development. Here is where we can identify the uniform pattern of our behaviour over the millennia.
And that is because the arguments put forward by the evolutionists have all been thoroughly demolished. What we have instead is a Table of Nations (Gen 10 et al) in the Bible that clearly offers us a fully-documented history of man’s development. Here is where we can identify the uniform pattern of our behaviour over the millennia.
Instead of allowing
evolutionists to paint us falsified pictures of men who simply dwell in caves
and never came out unless to hunt, the Bible tells us that people like you and
I had spent their time exploring the world, discovering new frontiers and
inventing technologies that help us along the way. There is no way that people
can actually inhabit in caves for hundreds of thousands of years and could only
show spears and other stone-based implements in all that time!
Humans constantly itch
for change. They challenge and find better ways. They are restless and they
need to innovate to stay satisfied and that’s because they explore and invent.
They care enough about their environment to seek better levels of comfort,
entertainment and power.
They go around the world to form their own clans, tribes and metropoles and then nations. In their populations, they administer and govern. They create leaderships and identify their territories. They mark them with standards, flags and all sorts of symbols.
They go around the world to form their own clans, tribes and metropoles and then nations. In their populations, they administer and govern. They create leaderships and identify their territories. They mark them with standards, flags and all sorts of symbols.
Basically, there is
nothing to stop man from going out and discover things. The fallacy that man
was bogged down in caves for hundreds of thousands of years is as preposterous
as expecting mice not to go out and look for food.
Other than the fakes that were contrived, all the previous fossilised evidence uncovered point to nothing less than human. They were all descendants of Noah. If they were the best statements to propagate human evolutionism, then the world has no need for scientists who indulge in fake science.

An artist's impression of the Heidelberg Man by Zdenek Burian (Image source:
Other than the fakes that were contrived, all the previous fossilised evidence uncovered point to nothing less than human. They were all descendants of Noah. If they were the best statements to propagate human evolutionism, then the world has no need for scientists who indulge in fake science.
An artist's impression of the Heidelberg Man by Zdenek Burian (Image source:
The Heidelberg Man, for
all the ‘promises’ of being the ‘missing
link’ is simply put, Homo sapiens sapiens. He may have brows that were
unusually thicker than normal but right across the human spectrum today, there
are people who look a little out of the ordinary as well. If they weren’t bone
fragments from apes or other animals (pigs included), then they could well have
been those that belonged to outcasts.
Remember that in that
period, outcasts were very badly treated. They were, at best, separated from
their people and live alienated lives on their own. Their physical
peculiarities basically sealed their fate and for all intents and purposes,
they could have gone away from their communities and lived their lives dwelling
in caves, out of sight. Evolutionists have no answers whatsoever. You can keep
your barrage of questions aimed at them. They still have no answers.
Balter wrote, “The
evolutionary species names – Java Man, Heidelberg Man, Peking Man, Piltdown Man
– have done tremendous damage to recorded evidence of human history. They have
misled millions of people. It’s all propaganda, propped up with bones that are
not as old as the evolutionists need them to be. Baloney Detectors need to take
the lead in shaming the storytellers into repentance for their sins of
propaganda and historical racism. Evolutionary paleoanthropologists are the
real cavemen, in the Platonic sense. Don’t fall for the myths of these blind
leaders of the blind.”
None of us could have
said it better.
End of Part 3 of 3
For the previous Parts One and Two, check entries under June 4
and June 11 2017
Further Reading
- Bonnette, Dennis (May 2014) Origin of the Human Species: Third Revised Edition (Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press of Ave Maria University). Available at
- Bowden, Malcolm (Jan 1978) Ape-Men: Fact or Fallacy?: A Critical Examination of the Evidence (Kent, U.K.: Sovereign Publications Ltd). Available at
- Brückle,
Wolfgang (2013) Face-Off in Weimar
Culture: The Physiognomic Paradigm, Competing Portrait Anthologies, and August
Sander’s Face of Our Time in Tate Papers Nr. 19, Spring 2013. Available at
- Coppedge, David F. (Jul 2014) Good-bye
Heidelberg Man: You Never Existed in Creation Evolution Headlines accessible at
- Cousins, Frank W. (1966) Fossil Man: A Reappraisal of the Evidence, with a note on Tertiary man
(Emsworth, U.K.: A.E. Norris & Sons for the Evolution Protest Movement).
Available at
- Cuozzo, Jack W.
(Nov 1998) Buried Alive (Green
Forest, AR: Master Books). Available at
- Darwin, Charles (Nov 2014)
The Descent of Man and Selection in
Relation to Sex (North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Platform). Available at
- Gish, Duane T. (1973) Evolution?
The Fossils Say No! (San Diego, CA: Creation-Life Publishers, 2nd Edition).
Available at
- Gish, Duane T. (1992) Evolution:
The Challenge of the Fossil Record (El Cajon, CA: Creation-Life
Publishers). Available at
- Gould, Stephen
Jay (Aug 1992) The Panda’s Thumb (New
York: W.W. Norton & Co., Reissue Edition). Available at
- Goulden, Murray S. (May 2009) Boundary-work
and human-animal binary: Piltdown Man, science and the media in Excavating humanness: Palaeoanthropology at
the Human-Animal Boundary, Chapter Four (Nottingham, UK: Nottingham
University Press). Available at
- Gregory, W.K. (1927) Hesperopithecus
apparently not an ape nor a man in National Centre for Biotechnology
Information, U.S. Library of Medicine (Bethesda, MD: NCBI) Accessible at
- Habermehl, Anne (Jan 2010) ‘Those
Enigmatic Neanderthals – What Are They Saying? Are We Listening?’ in
Answers in Genesis. Accessible at
- Iten, Oswald (April 1986) Die Tasaday: Ein Philippinischer Steinzeit
Schwindel in Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Zurich, Switzerland).
Google-translatable version accessible at
- Lewin, Roger (Dec 1993) The Origin of Modern Humans (Scientific
American Library) (New York: W.H. Freeman). Available at
- Lubenow, Marvin L. (Oct
2004) Bones of Contention: A Creationist
Assessment of Human Fossils (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, Revised Updated
Edition). Available at
- MacRitchie
Finlay (June 2011) Scientific Research as
a Career (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, First Edition). Available at
- Messinger, Heinz (Mar 2005) Langenscheidts
Handwörterbuch Englisch in two volumes, Teil II: Deutsch-English (Berlin,
Germany: Langenscheidt KG). Available (in German and English) in Audio CD
format at
- Miller, Keith B., editor (Sept 2003) Perspectives on an Evolving Creation (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm.
Eerdsman Publishing). Available at
- Milner, Richard (Dec 1991) Encyclopaedia
of Evolution (New York: Facts on File, Inc), p.322. Available at
- National Geographic (Aug
1972) First Glimpse of a Stone Age Tribe
(142:218). Magazine cover visible online at
- Oard, Michael (2003) Neanderthal Man – The Changing Picture. An
Overview of How This Alleged ‘Subhuman’ is Being Progressively Rehabilitated,
Despite the Evolutionary Bias Resisting the Trend in Creation Ministries
International. Accessible at
- Phillips, Dave (2000) Neanderthals are Still Human! – Evidence for
Creation at the Institute for Creation Research (Dallas, TX) website.
Accessible online at
and also available in PDF format at
- Price, Michael (Aug 2015) Study
reveals culprit behind Piltdown Man, one of science’s most famous hoaxes’ in Science (Washington
DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science). Available at
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